For Sale: Used Nitto Big Back Rack $100.00 shipped or best offer
________________________________ From: "" <> To: Digest Recipients <> Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 6:56 PM Subject: [RBW] Digest for - 25 Messages in 10 Topics Today's Topic Summary Group: * Bike Repaint Update - NOS orig decals found. [3 Updates] * Lights, lights, lights [3 Updates] * Tandems & Mixtes and Price Hikes, Oh my! [4 Updates] * NYC S24O [4 Updates] * touring article on bloomberg [1 Update] * Hennessy Hammocks for bike camping [2 Updates] * So...sick...of...flats....UGH! [2 Updates] * Interesting refutation of Gary Taubes' obesity ideas [2 Updates] * Any Soma San Marcos Owned? [1 Update] * Pictures of Sammy [3 Updates] Topic: Bike Repaint Update - NOS orig decals found. Bruce Herbitter <> Sep 02 10:40AM -0500 ^ Needless to say, I am very pleased to find these 1st year decals for my Road Standard. The originally estimated 6 - 7 weeks schedule is however wring by at least 1/2. I shipped the bike on 6/15 and they think work on it will start in about 2 more weeks. "You can't hurry love," as the song goes, or bike paint shops either. Bruce Herbitter <> Sep 02 12:43PM -0500 ^ Joe: The painter is Airglow Bicycle Painting in Georgia. They got the decals for me, I think via another paint shop. I imagine they stay in touch and send things back and forth. Nathan: I went back and forth on a number of colros and ended up staying with the original blue (which also sort of shows up on Romulus and Bleriot) but with cream lugs, crown, and BB. The crown details will be in the blue. The lugs don't have windows, or they would be blue as well. Pictures WILL be forthcoming. islaysteve <> Sep 02 03:32PM -0700 ^ I've had a bike done by Airglow! Great work, and great to work with. I will eagerly await pix. I can identify with you on going back and forth on colors. Every car you look at is a potential color. Somewhat ironic about the decals, I was wondering the same thing, if I ever do something so foolish as to repaint my Bleriot (only wouldn't want the Bleriot decals). Congrats and I hope you get your bike ahead of schedule! Steve Topic: Lights, lights, lights "Scott G." <> Sep 02 02:15PM -0700 ^ Patrick, I included the Cyo official mount for the fork crown and the VO mount that fits on the rack eyelet. Whilst on light mountology, anyone mount a Supernova E3 to Nitto m12 ?, did you the multimount or some other widget. Scott Thomas Lynn Skean <> Sep 02 03:19PM -0700 ^ Hi! Do you know of a good place on the web to order smallish quantities of the kind of aluminum stock you used for your light? Yours, Thomas Lynn Skean PATRICK MOORE <> Sep 02 04:27PM -0600 ^ No; I bought a 6' length at True Value. I could have used 1 cm wide stock instead; I bought the 2 cm stuff for another project. IIRC, the 2 cm stock was about $8 to $10 for 6'. Tell ya what: send me your address and I'll send you 6". On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Thomas Lynn Skean -- Patrick Moore Albuquerque, NM For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW Topic: Tandems & Mixtes and Price Hikes, Oh my! CycloFiend <> Sep 02 08:05AM -0700 ^ >From this morning's Knothole post - The afore-warned, yen-caused price increases go into effect next week, but we've got one last weekend to nab in stock stuff at the old levels. And for folks who were hoping for another chance at the Glorius-level mixte, there's a short run a-comin'! However, the thing that caught my eye was item #7 - the tandem design is getting to that final phase: "7. So is a super limited number of tandems. One fellow is interested. I forget your name. If you're reading this, contact me (grant) the same way you did last time. I'm almost finished with the design, and have a few questions, before I can finish and getcha-a-quote." I know that a number of folks herewith have been wistfully wishing for a twin rider Rivendell option, and it seems like it's closer than it's been in a while. So, while you make ready to head out this weekend (or whatever your plans), you might give a quick email/call to GP if you are interested. Ride safe, all you fine folks! - Jim -- Jim Edgar Seth Vidal <> Sep 02 11:07AM -0400 ^ > a while. > So, while you make ready to head out this weekend (or whatever your plans), > you might give a quick email/call to GP if you are interested. Already sent in an email this morning. Hoping to hear back more soon. The stoker and I are coming up on our 10th anniversary and a riv tandem would be a lovely 10th present to give each other a new tandem. -sv JL <> Sep 02 11:27AM -0700 ^ I have been lusting after a tandem for some time. These riv models will no doubt be wonderful. Semi-custom I would assume. 650b for most sizes and a 700c model to accommodate a tall size model would be my guess. Seth, what a nice present to celebrate your 10 year. I hope that works out and you get to add another riv to your fleet. I am interested in hearing some sage advice from previous tandem owners - anyone willing to email me off-list a used tandem buyer's guide? Anyone have information about new tire possibilities? 2 650b tires and 2 others from the news reports. JL Joe Bernard <> Sep 02 12:02PM -0700 ^ The "mystery HS" bike is driving me crazy. I want to know what it is now! I noted that Grant says someone emails to complain every time he mentions the dollar/yen conundrum. Why would someone waste their life bothering him about that? Not only is it annoying (I assume), but it amounts to "whining about whining". That's some irony right there, people. Joe Bernard, living ironically in Fairfield, CA. Topic: NYC S24O Peter F <> Sep 01 09:33PM -0700 ^ Highly interested but highly unlikely to get away with several big deadlines this month and small kids at home. Keep us posted though so those of us who can't go can fantasize about it, at least. Alex <> Sep 01 11:35AM -0700 ^ I'm also curious. I used to live in NY and couldn't quite figure out where to go. I don't have a car, so maybe that was part of the problem. Harriman state park is semi-accessible by train, but I couldn't really see any trails suitable for bikes. --Alex mizrachi <> Sep 02 09:56AM -0700 ^ Peter (et al.), If you're interested, the trip is likely to happen in October. Curtis Schmitt <> Sep 02 01:29PM -0400 ^ I've gone bicycle camping at five separate locations across four trips over the past couple of years, all directly from NYC: •Bulls Island State Park in Delaware, NJ (on the Delaware River, absolutely loved it) •Washington Crossing State Park in Titusville, NJ (also on Delaware but sites are inland a bit) •Round Lake Reservoir in Clinton, NJ (all campsites are at the water's edge, great place) •Croton Point Park in Westchester County, NY (on Hudson River, phenomenally beautiful, sunsets are spectacular) •Heckscher State Park in East Islip, NY (Long Island, very close to beach but sites are not on water) Of all of these, I'd say Croton Point Park is the ideal for an S24O. It's about 45 mi each way and the route is mostly on an isolated paved trailway between the admittedly sketchy Bronx section and the hilly and busy suburban roads eight miles from the campsite. The trailway part is awesome though. You can really hammer it, the asphalt is in excellent condition and the tree canopy serves nice protection from rain, sun and strong winds. The worst on the list is Heckscher State Park and an S24O would be hell. The route sucks because it goes straight through Queens and the people at the campsite are ignorant undesirables, to but it bluntly. 90% miss the point, blasting music, blasting their portable TVs with bad reception, drinking excessively and tearing in and out of the parking area with their cars, etc. I will never return. The rest of the campsites, really any campsite, will be as bad as Heckscher on a holiday weekend such as Memorial Day and Labor Day. Floyd Bennett Field is supposed to be pretty great, and I would have gone, but the ranger wanted me to book the site IN-PERSON!!! She said they did not take phone or web/email reservations. Not sure what's up with that, but I have heard good things and of all of them it would be by far the shortest distance since it's at Brooklyn's southeastern edge. I have a very crazy project schedule until my deadline the first week in October, then I have a road trip planned for Quebec / Nova Scotia later in the month, but camping is by far my favorite activity to do with a bicycle, so I would do whatever I could to join in on the fun. Curtis Topic: touring article on bloomberg keeple <> Sep 01 09:55PM -0700 ^ Topic: Hennessy Hammocks for bike camping John Speare <> Sep 01 02:29PM ^ There's lots of Hennessy stuff online to check out, but if your deal is S24O/bike touring with the hammock, check out Alex Wetmore's stuff: He's fine-tuned the Hennessy set up into an art. I've gone camping with him a few times -- deployment takes about 3 minutes. The trick (not his, but it's documented well) is here: John Speare Spokane, WA ________________________________________ From: [] on behalf of Kris [] Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 5:21 AM To: RBW Owners Bunch Subject: [RBW] Re: Hennessy Hammocks for bike camping Timely discussion as I just purchased an Expedition Asym. I have only set it up in my back yard but I think I will really like it. It HAS to be better than a tent for me. Not once have I slept well in a tent without some sort of sleep aid. I highly recommend watching all the setup videos, etc as it's not idiot proof. Also, I recommend the 'snake skins' accessory. There is at least one authorized dealer on eBay that offers free snake skins and shipping. K -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at Philip Williamson <> Sep 01 10:01PM -0700 ^ In Western Oregon, there are always trees, and usually wet ground. I would've bought one already, but the price jumps considerably for those over 6'. First I think I should try camping at all... Philip Philip Williamson Topic: So...sick...of...flats....UGH! jinxed <> Sep 02 07:51AM -0700 ^ If Big Apples would squeeze in the Hilsen....I'd be running them! You really did hit the "thorn with tire" regarding ride vs. hassle. I tried out several of the Specialized Armadillo, and Bontrager Hardcase tires and came to the same conclusion. Yea they hold air, but wow do they ride poorly. The Bontys were better, but still bad. I came to the same conclusion and just stocked up on tubes and patch kits. >From what I have been reading though, it appears that the Marathon Supreme does a good job with flat protection AND ride half way decent. Philip Williamson <> Aug 31 10:10PM -0700 ^ I was just this morning realizing how happy I am not to have goatheads. Santa Rosa (CA) was loaded with them in the city, but I never had a problem in Annadel Park. I set my wife's 3 speed up with those super-fat thornproof tubes, which really helped. Before that, I pulled 60 goathead spikes out of a tire before I stopped counting and threw it away. I had many tires with 'stealth' goathead spikes buried in the tread. They would puncture a tube, but only showed themselves if you really bent the casing hard. So that's another upside to living in Oregon. Philip Philip Williamson Topic: Interesting refutation of Gary Taubes' obesity ideas PATRICK MOORE <> Sep 02 08:15AM -0600 ^ It must be genetics. I don't doubt the efficacy of the Taube method, but I've seen too many people who eat mostly carbs, sometimes polished rice. My mother, after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 10 years ago, and who also had one heart attack, switched to a very low fat, low salt, high vegetable, lot of chicken and lots and lots of rice (she buys rice in 20 lb bags) and has lost a great deal of weight and kept it off, as well as helping her heart and blood sugar. (She is Filipina.) I lived in both north and south India in the '60s, as a boy, and the poor people ate mostly whole wheat (Delhi) and polished rice (Bangalore) plus lentils, vegetables and a bit of fish or meat on special occasions. Ditto in Karachi, Pakistan. In Kenya, where we moved next, the poor ate mostly posho -- corn meal mush. Often the women would be hefty, but rarely obese; them men less heavy (but taller, of course). Add banana or millet beer or, for the townies, Tusker. My ex parents in law are Taiwanese: noodles, steamed bread and rice in abundance, tho' they being American now can afford more fish, eggs and meat. Of course, all this lot -- Indians, Pakis, Kenyans, Filipinos, Chinese -- are of a class that moves around a lot and often does manual labor; and many of them can't afford to overeat even cheap grains and lentils. I dunno. I believe those who have said they gained weight on carbs, lost them on no carbs. But there is the above for other people; not to mention the Irish peasants who, I've read in more than one place, ate (for the working man) an average of 11 lb of high glycemic (Mom won't eat them) potatoes a day, with little else beside a bit of skim milk and salt. I eat indiscriminately except I don't eat huge amount of meat -- but lots of cheese -- and thank God am 20 lb heavier than I was in college at the same weight (I could lose 10 or 15 easily but I'd be pretty thin). One sister is like me on a largely vegetarian and rice diet; another sister and my brother are heavier, but not obese, on eclectic diets that include a lot of everything except meat (meat is not foregone, just rare). An interesting aside: reading the autobiography of Thomas Merton (Seven Story Mountain) he describes living in rural France in the 1920s and '30s with his widowed artist father and he describes a peasant wedding feast where no one ate anything except huge quantities of a huge variety of meats, because they never ate meat for most of the rest of the year. (He also describes the Tour coming through his town, grinding up a dirt hill doubtless in a single gear, "with noses almost touching their front wheels.") -- Patrick Moore Albuquerque, NM For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW grant <> Sep 02 07:52AM -0700 ^ A day or two ago I got a PM from a woman ... and I can't find it. Want to reply. If you are were pre-D with 110, now down around 85, lost ten, energy issue. If it's you, that'll be enough to trigger the mem...and then, send me again, please....sorry. Thanks. G Topic: Any Soma San Marcos Owned? SamuelJames <> Sep 02 07:48AM -0700 ^ I purchased one but don't expect to receive it until the end of September. Topic: Pictures of Sammy Adam <> Sep 02 07:25AM -0700 ^ Rex, I am sure I could go one size up, and considered it very strongly for some time, but this size definitely works. It is great to have the copious amount of standover height that I do, with a pbh of 84, as I ride trails and tour loaded often. The important thing for me was changing my stem to have a greater amount of forward reach, now I've found the sweet spot. Cheers, Adam keeple <> Sep 01 09:58PM -0700 ^ Nice color! And the cream head tube is a nice touch. Frank Brose <> Sep 01 03:56PM -0700 ^ Nicely done. I dig the front basket. I at one point in my life had an Atlantis painted by D&D. He lays down some nice paint. Tail Winds. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at