If I were younger and cardboard-inclined, I'd be sending my resume to
RBWHQ right now. Seriously: John's job description is downright
inspiring in its honesty and clarity, and Grant's explanation of the
position and its importance makes tons of sense (to me, anyway). As
for Jinxed, he wrote an entire ode to packing and shipping! I hope
that he, or someone just as dedicated, gets the job.

On Aug 9, 7:38 pm, Shaun Meehan <meehan.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have no doubt that RBW is a great place to work. And I can't believe that
> we're dissecting the job posting on the e-mail list. From observing the
> packaging work on my own orders from RBW, I can attest to the fact that it's
> artistry. On more than one occasion I've received my order from RBW thinking
> that some of the items that I ordered must be on back order because the
> package is so small. Only to find that all of the items were indeed there,
> but just packaged with supreme efficiency.
> Shaun Meehan
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:39 PM, grant <grant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Below I said:
> > It's not good place to work.
> > I started to write "It's  not a bad place to work" but tried to
> > restate it more accurately and positively as, "It's a good place to
> > work", and lo and behold, I didn't backspace enough. I hope y'all can
> > understand a mistake like that and not get all
> > Freudiananalytical ...it really IS a good place....I think!
> > B,
> > Grant
> > and thanks to Joe for liking the packing.
> > On Aug 8, 8:04 pm, grant <grant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > We have a job to fill. It's a specific job. If somebody gets the job
> > > and leaves it, we're back to SqOne and have to find,hire, and train
> > > again.
> > > To outsiders, maybe "shipping" is a low-totem pole job, and EVERYthing
> > > is a stepping stone. Not that way here. If we don't ship, you don't
> > > get your goods. If we don't ship on time, we lose business and may go
> > > out of business. Everybody here is in awe of our current shipping
> > > department, super proud, and if every area of the business worked as
> > > well as shipping does, we'd be doing better.
> > > Robert is here for life. He has a respect for packing and shipping
> > > that few if any people can relate to. Unless you work here and see how
> > > it all goes together, you have no idea of the level of
> > > professionalism and care that he puts into his work. That's not your
> > > fault. You just aren't priveleged enough to see it happen the way it
> > > happens every day...unless you work here.
> > > For somebody to treat their job alongside him as an entry level job
> > > and a stepping stone to what they see as bigger or more important or
> > > more glamorous jobs is an insult to Robert and shows a gross
> > > misunderstanding of how we want the postion to be treated, and of the
> > > respect we accord it, ourselves.
> > > We will always need two shippers, at least. We are looking for
> > > somebody special, and it's tough. It's easy to find outa workers who
> > > will grasp at anything that starts at $25K plus benefits---and I
> > > understand that. I'd do it myself, if I were out of work. But in this
> > > case, that's not getting it.
> > > We're looking for somebody who, like Vaughn, can come here and be the
> > > last link in a long chain of commerce that keeps us all employed and
> > > allows us to do whateveritis that we do.
> > > We're getting a steady flow of applicants who say stuff like, "I love
> > > your ethic, your philosophy, what you stand for. I spend hours on your
> > > site, I love the fight you fight, I've been a fan for years, I dig you
> > > up he wazoo.." but they haven't even bought a bar of pine tar soap
> > > from us...so how "into" us can they be, how MUCH of us can they know,
> > > if they've never tiptoed over the line and actually used the stuff?
> > > It's not a big deal.....ultimately we'll hire a goody, and I hope
> > > they'll stick around. It's not good place to work. John's excellent
> > > job description was intended to weed out those who really don't want
> > > to ship, and really do think after a year they'll have a window
> > > office. There are (literally) no windows here, and the shippers work
> > > closer to the rollup doors than anybody.
> > > Wish us luck, that is all. Don't want to make this any more public,
> > > but in the past we've found some good guys through blog + forum posts,
> > > so we thought we'd try again.
> > > G
> > --
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