Most customs have the builder's initials, followed by year then bike # for
that year.  JS02037 = Joe Stark 2002 #37  Not sure about the match or W'ford
My friend has the enviable RS02 on her frame, which is Richard Sachs #02
build for Rivendell!!!

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Leslie <> wrote:

> Awhile back, we started sorting out the Rambouillet frames by color, seeing
> if we could pin down the number of each color;  on them, the orange and blue
> ones started with an RB, and the green ones started with an RM; their
> numbers appear simply sequential.
> Not sure on the others.   Have seen one Bombadil that started w/ an L
> followed by numbers, an All-Rounder that had an 01JS then numbers...
> Atlantis, Hilsen, Hillborne, I would expect them to have some sort of a
> pattern; but I don't know...
>  --
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Redlands, CA

* terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
probably benefit more from
improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS

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