If you mean BoFax to Westridge to the East Peak?

I think the pitch up from Alpine dam is a little tougher - probably more
mentally because there's not a lot to gauge your progress from.  Going up
Diablo, you see the height as you gain it, which always helpful.
Of course, Diablo is taller, but given the up/down/up on the Fairfax route,
I'd bet the climbing is similar in overall elevation.

Those are both two of the really fine, interesting and beautiful climbs in
the greater SF Bay.

- J

on 8/4/11 6:26 PM, Ray Shine at r.sh...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

Jim -- How's it compare to climbing Tam from fairfax?

From: CycloFiend <cyclofi...@earthlink.net>
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, August 4, 2011 10:28:31 AM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: Visit and ride at RBW

on 8/3/11 10:08 PM, Joe Bunik at jbu...@gmail.com wrote:

> 3000' mark on Diablo via North Gate Rd. I don't know the exact
> measurements, but had thought D. is generally a continual 8-10%? It's
> a climb, but not the worst thing ever either, IMO.

It's been a while since I went up North Gate Rd, but it didn't seem like a
continual 8-10%.  Maybe a steeper pitch here and there, but it's a moderate
and climbable road for the most part.  5-6% seems more correct.

But, hey, I live in the West Bay... and the last time I went up it was -
yikes - 2007.  


- J

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

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done that, and somehow because she did think about it like it was something

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