Well, I decided.

First, I should address the "why" more clearly. Primarily, sheet redundancy. 
Secondarily (a close second), the ability to keep one bike shod with studded 
tires through the winter. Thirdly (distant third), have two different 
"arrangements" available at any one time, for those unexpected riding 
opportunities and quirky ad hoc preferences. That is, sometimes you just wanna 
ride Bullmoose, no matter what you've got set up or what you'll need the next 
day! This would at least enable that.

Now, honestly... either the Hunqapillar or the Hillborne would provide 
sufficient redundancy. The fact that the Hillborne is a pure duplicate doesn't 
really matter with respect to redundancy. And I could put studded tires and any 
of my cockpits and racks and baskets and bags on either bike; so reasons two 
and three were also satisfied by either Hill or Hunqapillar.

But... the Hunqapillar's sizing just would not work. The 58 would pose issues 
for getting the bars as high ad I like them. The 62 would be a challenge to 
straddle comfortably, which I do often as a commuter waiting for lights and 
what-not and when riding with my family.

So another 60cm canti-studded double-top-tube Hillborne is on lay-away for 
delivery early next year. Green, this time. The recent July e-mail update 
picture is a very flattering depiction of that green. If it looks like that in 
person, I'll be thrilled.

Thanks for the info and opinions and questions; they all helge me think this 

I already know exactly how I'll build it. I'll do some side-by-side photos when 
it's all set.

Thomas Lynn Skean

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