Years ago my first LBS bike had a threaded headset which kept coming lose.
 I took it back to the shop where I bought it multiple times, and finally he
just cranked it down tight.  (On a side note, the cup/cone BB kept coming
loose too, so perhaps he didn't know anything about bearing adjustment).

Anyhow... that headset was quickly "ruined" and severely indexed... by this
time I knew a lot more about what I was doing, so I pulled out the bearings
in the cages and put in bearings of the next size so that they wouldn't line
up with the divets, and rode it for a long time after that.  It worked quite
smoothly, and I've since given the bike away and it's still being ridden
that way.

You might not want to do such a hack job on your SH, but it worked fine for
a cheapest level bike shop bike. :-)

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:46 PM, René Sterental <>wrote:

> I have found the Miche Primato threaded headset online. Is this the only
> Miche headset or are there different models for our Riv bikes?
> René
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