Bill!! Thanks for that obvious but (speaking for myself) rather stupidly
forgotten connection: felted wool over metal water containers: Of course, I
see any number of canteens so covered.
I must try that on my metal bottles.

And I agree 'bout VO: some nice stuff but, for many of their items, low end
quality to match the very reasonable prices. Just got an on-sale
"Randonneur" front rack for the Commuter Riv: it is usable and, for $55, a
good buy as the market right now goes, but not at all benchmark quality.

How low have you seen you (Tucson?) humidity? I've clocked ours here in NW
ABQ at 4%.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Bill Gibson (III)
> I like what Velo Orange is up to almost as much a what Rivendell is up to
> and want to support both, but...
> I can't think of a better use of the wool in an
> all-used-up-and-can't-be-darned-any-more-sock-or-sweater than an evaporative
> cooling sleeve for a feeder bottle. Boil the wool, then use scissors, then
> sew it up to fit.
> I remember bike shops selling little wool bottle socks just for that
> purpose decades ago. At this time of year they dry out in about 1/2 hour in
> Southern Arizona. Remember those canteens with the wool serape pattern
> covers? Works.

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