On Jun 15, 7:17 am, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 18:45 -0700, Leslie wrote:
> > Maybe I'm too pessimistic.  I usually think of myself as being overly
> > optimistic, but, I really wouldn't see paying 'more' for a frame than
> > what it originally cost.
> In which case, I hope you never get the urge to have a Herse or a Singer
> or even a Jack Taylor, because there is absolutely zero chance you would
> ever find one going for what one cost new.  
> A Schwinn P15 Paramount in July 1971 cost $352.  What is one worth now?
> What is a new XTR M900 crank set worth?  Ten years ago, you could find
> one NOS for around $185.  Last week, one was available on ebay for $500.
> I bought my Mafac RAID brakes for around $60, NOS around 6 years ago,
> when there was still a supply of them.  These days, a NOS RAID brake set
> will cost you a couple of hundred dollars, if you can find one.

No, I have no urge to have any of those;  however, it's not like you
can watch Rene putting one together now, can you?     At a certain
point, yes, a collector value on turn the price decline around, and
things will start to be worth more.    It enters the 'antique' market,
as would cars.   At one point, old Mustangs were just an older car,
and not worth a lot, but, now they are.    That's what those bikes
are, they're old enough to have a collectable value.

Rivendell started in '94.    They're not old enough yet.    When my
Rambouillet is has many decades under its belt, then maybe I might
expect the price to go up, but, that's not why I bought a Riv.... I
bought it to ride....

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