On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 7:59 PM, David T. <davidtren...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> It’s too bad, reading the latest Knothole entry on the Rivendell
> website, Grant appears to be stressed out, probably about that legal
> case he refers to in RR 43. (It would be funny, considering that a
> gaggle of lawyers are working feverishly, perhaps even referring to
> “lawyer lips” in their written arguments—except it’s not that funny
> when someone is getting dragged into court over something that was
> made diligently 20 years ago.)
> It is ironic that he would get tied up in something like that. He has
> been a proponent of bicycle safety, although he doesn’t necessarily
> call it that. It is implicit in the design of his bikes that there is
> always a “factor of safety” built in, in other words they are if
> anything a little over-built, so that failure of the bike or one of
> its parts won’t cause an injury. That’s really one of the main
> distinguishing features of his designs, compared to other bikes you
> can buy. When I am descending at high speed on my Rivendell, I often
> think to myself, this is dangerous but it is nice to know that I am on
> the best possible bike for this purpose. In all of Grant’s
> “velosophy”, whether it is about bigger tires, steel forks, riding
> styles, you name it, there is always an unspoken understanding that
> safety is one of the fundamentals.
> It’s too bad but that is the way things go sometimes; someone who
> dedicates a lot of their life to protecting something gets accused of
> neglecting it.
> {I guess the legal point is whether Lawyer Lips make a bike safer, and
> even if they do whether a bike without them is safe enough. It all
> gets very complicated because Grant is the expert on these things, and
> he may not have thought that Lawyer Lips made a bike safer. [The ones
> on the bike, not the ones on the lawyers.] But as an employee of
> Bridgestone, it sounds like it wasn’t even his decision. The RB-1 was
> advertised as a racing bike, so it was designed to get the wheel off
> quickly. For Pete’s sake, he even had an article on how to use the
> Quick Release in one of the Bridgestone catalogues. What else could he
> have done? Surely the operator of any vehicle has to take
> responsibility for ensuring that the wheels are fastened on as they
> were designed to be.[Maybe Grant should get his own lawyer independent
> of the Bridgestone lawyer?(After all, he was acting in good faith as
> an employee and stood to gain nothing whether or not lawyer's lips
> were used. Awww, what a mess.)]}

Let's not forget also, that Grant had at least one full page of at
least one of his catalogs dedicated to explaining how to operate a QR.

And the topper: Didn't B'stone USA shipped the QR counter-top demo
unit to some of its dealers?


GP seems like the last bike-related person in the world that should be
at the end of a "negligent" QR lawsuit... if that's what it really is

John Speare
Spokane, WA USA

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