Amen to Sheldon Brown's method (although even Sheldon himself cited
Brandt as the definitive source of wheelbuilding information and
technique)... I've built a few dozen wheels over the last few years
and taught others via Sheldon's method... God bless the man!

On Apr 10, 4:04 pm, "J. Burkhalter" <> wrote:
> On Apr 10, 12:29 pm, jandrews_nyc <> wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend a resource for
> > learning the right way?
> > I assume I'll have to invest in some new tools and a truing stand.
> Hey Jason,
> I'll second Sheldon's how-to resource.  I still use it as a reference
> when I build up a wheel.  When I was teaching myself, in addition to
> Sheldon's site, I also read other how-to's on the interwebs and
> borrowed freely from ideas that seemed smart to me.  As for tools, I
> bought a nice old used Park stand, a used dishing stick, and a Park
> tensiometer.   There are plenty of folks who build fine wheels without
> these, but I found each really helpful, and they paid for themselves
> pretty quickly.  Equal parts beer and patience helps, as well.
> good luck and have fun!
> -Jay B

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