For lack of decent bolt cutters I have used a hacksaw and also a Dremel-like
tool.  The advantage of the bolt cutters is that you do not have to take the
stays off to do the job.  Hacksaw, I took them back off and with Dremel tool
I did it while they were still on the bike.

I do file the tips carefully because my experience is that those black
plastic tips will eventually come off at a time and place where you will not
be able to find them and then the tips will be exposed.  With a hand file
you can put a kind of half-sphere end on it with no points.

I hope to find some substitute for those tips that will stay on better,
maybe with some glue, beeswax, etc. but I have not looked hard for such a
thing yet as the bare, filed tips are not much of a problem for me.

-jb with fingers crossed (regarding exposed tips) in a gradually warming
Minneapolis - excellent ride yesterday

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 1:11 PM, MSmith <> wrote:

> I use bolt cutters.  It's the easiest/quickest way, but it does leave the
> ends a bit sharp.  The little black end caps cover the sharp bits, though.
> You could file them smooth with a dremel or a hand file if you feel so
> inclined.  I never do, though...
> One tip:  Wrap a fairly large piece of masking tape on the end you're going
> to cut off.  This makes it easier to find the end after it flies off when
> you cut it.  The more painful alternative is to find it by stepping on it
> with bare feet weeks later.  The tape acts as a sail, too, so it won't fly
> as far away.
> Cheers- Mike in sunny, vernal (finally!)  So. Boston, Mass
> On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Lemon <> wrote:
>> For those folks who use SKS Fenders, what tool do you use to trim/cut
>> the ends of the stays after you get the installation dialed in?
>> Something other than a saw, perhaps?  Thanks for your input.
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John Blish
Minneapolis MN USA

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