My new Bombadil is set to arrive on March 28 ... just in time for the
Michigan Spring Thaw :)

It's going to be a beauty, grey, maroon and cream with cream-lug
outlining, parts mostly USA sourced with White Industries / Paul.

I'm wicked excited, but one of the challenges I'm hoping to resolve
before it arrives is finding the optimal pressure / weight for the
cream-colored Schwalbe Fat Franks i'll be riding.

If anyone has a formula or algorithm source, I'd appreciate the
guidance for tire pressure calculation.  In the past, I've used the
source below, which is based on Jan Heine's "Optimizing Tire Pressure
For Your Weight" article.

I find it useful, especially when quickly determining front / rear
tire pressures on the fly.

p.s. I've got a few single-track buddies who I am looking forward to
riding with.  Recommendations for mountain-biking tires are also
greatly appreciated.

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