Ha! I can only stand perfection for about three weeks before I have to
get in there and mess something up! To make it, y'know... MORE


 Philip Williamson

On Feb 17, 5:05 pm, Angus <angusle...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> My name is Angus and I am a "tinkerer."
> I can't leave well enough alone.
> I'm constantly trying to make everything better (although it doesn't
> always work out that way).
> Nothing is perfect...everything always needs improving.
> Many people may think this is sad...but I've come to accept it.  I'm
> kinda happy with it actually.
> Last weekend I took the 13 year old All-Rounder for a ride (the
> Albatross bar equipped All-Rounder is my "stiff back bike")
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/16951387@N08/4739416729/
> Something clicked...everything worked well: brakes, shifting,
> handling...everything.  I realized I haven't had to fiddle with
> anything on this bike in months; nothing felt funny, shifters seemed
> happy with the derailleurs, brakes were easy to use, modulated well,
> didn't squeal and stayed centered, position was great, nothing made
> funny noises....
> WHOA!  This hasn't happened before.
> Everything's Perfect...I'ma touching NOTHIN!
> Angus "Who dreams of one day getting his other bicycles to this level
> of zen like harmony"

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