This is all such excellent feedback -- I can always count on this
group for reliable information. I'm not a snow and ice guy at all, and
I would use different tires on single track, which I rarely ride
anyway. Thinking of putting the 700x40 Supremes on my Hilsen (which I
bought from Jim).
Joel, Eric, Jim . . . I live in Iowa City, which is in the "glaciated"
part of Iowa (most of it is). But I did live in Decorah for five years
(home of good ol' Luther College!) in the "driftless," unglaciated NE
corner of Iowa. (SE Minnesota and SW Wisconsin also are in this
geological region.) As Joel says, it is gorgeous hilly country, and we
go back often to visit. The canoeing on the Upper Iowa River, with its
stretches of majestic chimney rock limestone, is a very special
experience. And I know some Riv fans/devotees in that area as well,
which I mention just to get back on topic.

On Feb 3, 12:02 pm, erik jensen <> wrote:
> I've worn out two sets, and they're my tire of choice on the atlantis. Best
> tire out there, in my opinion, for the mixed riding I love. The difference
> between those 40mm and the knobby 55mm's on my hunqapillar is pretty slight
> in the end. Just let a bit of air out once you get to the trails, and you'll
> be set.
> An additional note: I find them significantly more able offroad than big
> apples. I think too wide makes for too much float and not enough traction in
> the corners. Your terrain may vary, but that's my experience on certain
> looser trails around here.
> Only two flats. No tears or sidewall damage.
> ~erik
> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 7:46 AM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
>> wrote:
> > Hi Forrest, I have done the Almanzo 100 twice on Schwalbe Kojaks (slicks),
> > and have done many touring miles of southeastern Minnesota gravel on
> > Supremes. No problem whatsoever, wet or dry. The only time I want knobbier
> > tread is when riding wet singletrack with slippery rocks, mud, and tree
> > roots. In this part of the country, where winter is prolonged and relatively
> > harsh, I don't generally try to make my summer tires work through ice and
> > snow, but with fat, smooth tires at low pressure, there's a lot of contact
> > area even on slippery stuff.
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