I'm looking to get one of the new dyno hubs but can't seem to get a
firm price. I'd even pay in advance. It will be getting lighter out
soon so it might be moot for me to even have one until next fall.
Seems like the timing is a little off on these.
Bikes and cars yea.....what a long discussion all that was, what with
"being green" and all......I say its all hogwash. If we do run out of
fossil fuels you can kiss our roadways goodbye we'll all be walking
like Grok eventually and society will be back in the stone age. The
fact is, we humans are too dumb to figure it out from generation to
generation and we tend to forget the lessons of the past. Its a self
correcting problem ultimately anyway. If we mess it up so bad that
life as we know it all falls apart, enough of us will die off and the
human race can start again in some  primitive way of living. The earth
will clean itself up atmospherically etc. and our bones will become
fertilizer for a future Groks vegetable garden. Until then, I intend
to ride often and live well......yes I recycle and probably live more
green than most people but I don't think it matters much in the grand
scheme of things.
In spite of my general skepticism I do think a generator hub, with a
clutch that is reliable, is a fine idea and I need lights on my
bicycle if I am to ride at night.

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