On my tour bikes I have 24x36 and had 30x34 on the last.. but 24x36 at 1 or
2 mph is fine for me.. drink coffee and ease on up.  No in Missouri we get a
lot of 12% and on some hills we average 15 to 18%.. I have parks and places
with ¼ mile climbs over 20% average.    So I’ll take the gears.. and even if
you pass me while walking it’s easier to pedal than push.


Just how I look at it.. and I don’t weave all over the place either.




From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ken Freeman
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:49 PM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: Cog progression on Riv-sold 12-36 9-sp?


Are any of you regularly dealing with 12% grades?  How is it?

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Phil Bickford <phi...@sonic.net> wrote:

I agree with Steve - you can only ride so slow.  Balance and steering
quirkiness was my experience with riding a 24x34 (18.3") up steep
stuff at around 4.25 MPH.  Charlie: if you are concerned with your
knees, as we all should after the age of ~55, the ole "heel/toe" gear
might be safer and besides it let's you stretch out those muscles in
the back of your legs.

Say - Patrick - I'm surprised to see you going for the lower end
gearing, particularly after your career of fixed riding.  How's that
Fargo project going?  What chainrings are you planning on using?

I never ride with much of a load so I doubt my present gearing is
relevant but 50-40-24 with a 12-23 in the rear works well for me
around, about and up most places in Sonoma County.

Phil B

On Jan 15, 11:47 am, charlie <charles_v...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>  If rested and on short rides I'd probably never use it but I carry a
> full "touring load" all the time and in spite of my efforts to reduce
> by riding, I only drop 20 pounds at the peak of the riding season.
> Grants recent writing clued me into the compensation eating that I
> know I do so I am trying some things different this year. Using lower
> overall gearing has preserved my knees. I wonder if a Deore rear
> derailleur will shift to the 36 tooth cog?
> On Jan 15, 5:09 am, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 02:30 -0800, charlie wrote:
> > > I've been flirting with the idea also. Right now I am using a 44x32x22
> > > and 7 speed 12-32 but wondered if a really low, low might be handy.
> > Last time I looked, a 22 front 32 rear already gave a really low low
> > (18.6").  Going to a 36T would bring that down to 16".

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Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI USA

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