Would Jack Browns be a good choice for this ride or something more

I'm marking it on my calender right now too.


On Jan 4, 11:17 am, Esteban <proto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks - This is going to be a real treat.  Some of the attributes of
> our back country are: 1) fairly close to downtown San Diego - our
> starting point is about 12 miles east of the gleaming waterfront; 2)
> Its really wild out there on the trails - no spa-style hikers and dog
> walkers (no offense intended), just rugged country and surprising
> wilderness; 3) wide open country roads with breathtaking vistas of the
> mountains, Mexico, desert, ocean, etc.  This will be completely worth
> the trip. Here's the photoset of the ride that Dustin curated last
> year:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671...@n02/sets/72157623972790726/
> This ride won't be quite as alpine, but we have good beer here, too
> (the famous, tiny, Alpine Brewery is not far off this route), and I'm
> sure we'll include some in our activities for the day if you wish to
> partake.
> I'm hoping to run the freshly-painted Protovelo with Hetres, topped
> perhaps by Albatross bars for pure fun.  We'll see.
> No one's left behind, but there will be bail-out options.  Would be
> worth a trip for disaster-prone Southern California-ians.  Perhaps
> worth a trip for folks further out!
> Esteban
> San Diego, Calif.
> On Jan 4, 10:08 am, cyclotourist <cyclotour...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > February's planned ride lets us get inland a bit, as well as giving the SD
> > crowd have a break from traveling (the price of living in paradise).  It's
> > shaping up to be a 50+ mile mixie, over mostly back roads and ~30% dirt
> > content guaranteed.  A chunk of climbing, so work on those intervals!  Hope
> > the North LA & Ventura crowd can make it down there!  We're going to try to
> > meet up @ 9:00 to get on the road by 9:30
> > A route map and some more specifics can be seen 
> > here:http://www.flickr.com/groups/socal_rivendell_bicycle_appreciation_soc...
> > As with all these rides, expect to meet some really great folks and put
> > faces to  names, as well as to see some beautiful areas of SoCal that you
> > probably have never been to!  All bikes are welcome, aluminum, bamboo and
> > crabon. Run what you brung!  Rain or shine, unless there's one of the recent
> > "decade" storms we've been having.  Otherwise fenders and wool should handle
> > it nicely.
> > --
> > Cheers,
> > David
> > Redlands, CA
> > *...in terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
> > probably benefit more from
> > improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS- Hide 
> > quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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