Never had a flat? Guiness book of World Records where are you man? My
last two were self inflected. While topping off, the bike shifted and
the top of the stem broke off. I put Marathon Supremes on the
Hillborne and have had no flats since but I've had my share and I hate
'em. Yes I do.

We might get a snow day or two down here, sometimes a little ice but
really not much Winter to speak of. But we have puking hot Summers and
I mean puking hot. Too hot to ride for more than an hour or so for
several months. I'll take that over snow every day of the week.
Anytime is gets below 50 I start getting nervous. I think those
California folks have it going on - nice riding weather most of the
year. Might join them out there soon, I hope!


On Dec 12, 4:17 pm, wrote:
> David,
> You know you just jinxed yourself!
> Zman
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "David T." <>
> Sender:
> Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 14:14:59
> To: RBW Owners Bunch<>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Spikes
> Hey Joel, the winters are pretty mild where I live in Southwestern
> Ontario. But we had a blizzard earlier this week, everything shut
> down, the schools were closed for three days. I did not ride my bike
> during that time.
> There are a lot of places in the States that have more severe winters
> than where I am. A lot of times during the winter here, the roads are
> fairly clear. Other times there is snow on them. I have a couple of
> short sections on my commute where I need to ride on trails, those are
> the tough places. One good thing about riding on snow is that it
> really builds up your leg strength.
> On the subject of flats: I never get them. In fact I am not sure if I
> have ever had a flat. I remember repairing a tube once when I was a
> lot younger, but I don’t think it went flat while I was riding. Now I
> use really good tires, but even when I didn’t, I never had a problem.
> I even toured on my bicycle at one time, using only the cheapest tires
> available, and had no flats. At the time I didn’t know that tires were
> supposed to go flat.
> Although I did have a number of flat tires on a Lada in Jamaica once.
> That was inconvenient.
> --
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