> It would interesting to know what combination of factors are
> attributable to a bike having a tendency for speed wobbles.
> Jim Cloud
> Tucson, AZ

Which is the subject of the Shimmy Review in the Winter BQ!
The Winter BQ recounts opinions and experiences from the past 100 years in a
few pages, and points toward ways to reduce or eliminate the phenomenon.
Subscribe, and you will not regret it! Well, I don't know that, but I
haven't regretted it. I went ahead and got the whole set.

If you do, too, you'll see how groups of riders, some of whom have
considerable training in science, have been exploring French bicycles, yes,
but also other than French bicycles, discovering and introducing a rich body
of cycling knowledge that never made it to the mass market in the USA, but
which was extremely influential, and promises further progress as we develop
new materials and, I hope, a new society as we rebuild American cities and a
better way of life...But, that is just my fond fantasy...
Bill Gibson
Tempe, Arizona, USA

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