On Dec 10, 11:07 am, William <tapebu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm extremely flattered at your almost instant reply.
I try to keep up with a few lists, just like everybody else. Until I
get too busy...

> Regarding shimmy, it's possible that my expectations were
> unrealistic.  I thought I'd learn some conclusive, empirically
> testable conclusions, and I didn't get that.  

There are many variables. Just like when Grandpa dies of cancer. He's
smoked in his youth, went to the pub with second-hand smoke most of
his life, had asbestos in his basement, and painted his house and
breathed the fumes. Why did he get cancer? We know all those things
can cause cancer, but we don't know why grandpa got it. And his friend
did all the same stuff and lived to 104 years of age. Similarly, there
are many things that can bring on shimmy in one bike, but not the
next. My Singer _almost_ shimmies with supple 31 mm wide tires, but it
doesn't with stiffer 27 mm tires. Our article provides plenty of
testable hypotheses, but like the causes for cancer, these hypotheses
don't help you diagnose your actual case.

Jan Heine
Bicycle Quarterly

Follow our blog at http://janheine.wordpress.com/

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