They say the Nitto Pearl runs longer than the stated extension.  My 11
they say is more like a 113mm or something.  It's strange since the
Pearl they go out of their way to engrave "Pearl 11" on the side.
Since you have both stems on hand, you should be able to fit them both
side by side on a handlebar, line up the quill parts parallel and
settle it once and for all.

On Dec 6, 9:44 am, Seth Vidal <> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Shaun Meehan <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to determine the extension length on the Nitto Technomic
> > Deluxe that I removed from my Atlantis. I was of the understanding
> > that it's a 12cm extension but the lugged stem that I got to replace
> > it looks slightly longer and it's a 12cm. Do you measure from the
> > center of the quill to the center of the handlebar clamp along the
> > extension? Or? Thanks!
> I've always done center of quill to center of handlebar clamp. And
> then I stopped doing that as it never seems to make a difference what
> I do but I'm always wrong. :)
> sad but true :)
> -sv

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