That's what I presumed on looking at it.  Cool that you have one!  I wonder
if a modern builder (Bilenky??) could correct for that without having to
over build it.  I love the design, but would need it to be tough enough and
not crazy flexy...

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Seth Vidal <> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 12:44 PM, cyclotourist <>
> wrote:
> > That is the coolest design ever!
> >
> > Anyone know if there are downsides to a frame built like that?  Is it
> super
> > flexy or overbuilt to reduce flexiness?  Tough enough for bouncing around
> on
> > trails/fire roads???
> >
> I suspect that is either a peugeot or a gitane tandem. We had one much
> like it. The problem wasn't the design so much as the tubing. Our
> gitane was..... flexy. I think the best way I've heard it described
> is: each rider corners one at a time.
> -sv
> --
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Redlands, CA

* terms of recreational cycling there are many riders who would
probably benefit more from
improving their taste than from improving their performance.* - RTMS

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