They went in order of manufacture, generally speaking. When I asked John at RBW 
how many were made, he replied:
Less than totally clean numbers- 
  Frames: 693. Complete bikes: 432

And this was at July 2007. Not many more were made after that.

--- On Thu, 11/18/10, rob markwardt <> wrote:

From: rob markwardt <>
Subject: [RBW] Rambouillet Serial #'s?
To: "RBW Owners Bunch" <>
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010, 12:24 AM

  Any rhyme or reason to Rambouillet serial numbers?  I was looking at
one on ebay last night and noticed the ser. # was RB0280 (an older
orange one).  I've got a later green  one (RB1163).  Did they just go
in order or is there
 any method to the madness?

Rob Markwardt

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