I'm about 60 miles south of Dave N. working in Boulder.  I didn't ride

Tooday was my first good and cold morning commute of the season.  It
was about 25 when I left home for the nine miles to work.  Pretty
morning.  The sun was already up and the fresh snow on the front range
peaks sparkled.  Now that summer time is over, I won't need lights in
the morning for a while.  I'll commute by bike once or twice a week
until there's ice on the roads, then I'll stick to flatter mid-day

My best cold riding gloves were already at work, so my fingers got a
bit cold in ski gloves, the same for my face on a long downhill.  The
wool everywhere else did a good job keeping me comfortable.

It just feels so much better to hop off the bike at the office than to
climb out of the car...


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