Congrats on your order.  Save up for a 68cm diagonal Bombadil as
well!  One Riv is not enough.
Phil hubs are definitely worth it.  They are US made, by one of the
most respected names in cycling history.  If you can afford them, your
Hilsen will deserve them.

On Nov 8, 2:16 pm, dhk42 <> wrote:
> First post!
> I've been lurking here for a while now as I dithered about my
> potential purchase. After a second long conversation with RHQ I placed
> an order for a 71cm A. Homer Hilsen.
> Immediately after I was struck by the notion that I should have
> enlisted the wisdom of this list to help me decide the right course.
> Well, it is too late for you to help me decide between the 71 AHH and
> the 68cm diagonal Bombadil. Not that I wouldn't listen to opinions on
> the topic. :-)
> But hey! It is not too late to talk about components.
> So let's see, what do you need to know about me? I'm a 6'7" 250lb 45
> year old neophyte cyclist who has never ever ridden on a bike that
> fits or is set up properly. I have not owned or ridden a bike in a
> looooong time for that reason. I plan to ride on roads, rail trails,
> and dirt paths - I'm not sure how much. I'll never race. I'll never
> get really serious about hard core off roading.  I have no plans to do
> lots of touring.
> First question: Phil hubs - are they worth it?
> David

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