Last Saturday the Venturing Crew participated in the 18th annual
Coyote Classic. They got to choose between an 50, 25, 12 mile bike
ride. Most of our venturers choose the 50 or 25 mile bike ride. Before
the trip we had two training ride one which end with rain. Most of the
training ride were quick rides to Alum Rock and back. That Saturday we
started early in the day with beautiful weather! The 25 milers rode on
the Coyote Creek Trail which runs parallel with 101, shaded and was
relatively flat. The 50 milers took a hard route and had only one bike
related issue early during the ride. The unexpected happened and one
of the student's rear jockey wheel fell off. Lucky they found all the
parts that they needed and finished the ride.  Everyone made it back
with smiles, a better understanding of how hard they can push
themselves and how good a hamburger can taste after 50 miles of bike
riding . Looking forward tomaking this trip a staple for next year.

-Manny " The only hard part of the ride was the toilet" Acosta

Pictures proved that it happened:

Training ride pictures number uno:

Training ride pictures number dos:

Coyote Creek Ride pictures:

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