what size bike to you normally ride? Meaning, on a non-expanded frame?
I would be between a 54 and a 58 Hunqa, so I was wondering what size
you are and how it fits. Thanks. Beautiful and tankish bike.

On Oct 4, 1:14 pm, Ian Dickson <iandicks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> fulf:  They have (or had) them in red and orange.  I like both.  It
> was a tough choice.  The tires  spoare Marathon Duremes, 622x50.  So far I
> like them.  Much better traction on wet mud than the Supremes.
> ghost cassidy:  The rack was made by Leah Stargardter.  It was a
> custom job for another bike, but it happened to fit the Hunq, and it
> suits the Hunq better.  Leah was a pleasure to work with, and she
> makes some racks that are much fancier than mine.  You can find her
> email address easily enough.
> Everybody:  Thanks for the kind words.  I'll post more pictures of the
> winter configuration, when it's time.
> On Oct 4, 7:13 am, ghost cassidy <danielghostcass...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > who makes that porteur rack?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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