I just rode back from vespers/confession this evening on my '03 custom,
using my Edeluxe for the first time in months. Wonderful light, noticeably
brighter than the IQ Fly on the Motobecane. And all of that light from just
3 w -- and I hear that these LED lights don't even requir the full 3. A
wide, bright beam that cuts off before it illuminates the trees but is high
enough to light up street signs.

I've got a Cyo for the new Fargo Shimano DN71 disk/dynohub; people say that
the Cyo uses the same reflector and emitter  in a cheaper housing -- at any
rate, I think it's half the price of the Edeluxe (I got mine second hand).

Disturbing, though, to see the amount of dust forming a little blizzard in
my headlight beam, thanks to tonight's strong wind. This is probably
something you don't see in wetter climates with grass and such growing right
up to the road.

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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