I'll second the question on tire size.  Also, how is the fender
attached to thet top of the fork?

On Sep 26, 9:04 pm, BykMor <byk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My green Rambouillet is finally (almost) complete and it was a nice
> day out so I took a few pictures.
> Hopefully the link to my Picasa site will suffice.
> http://picasaweb.google.com/bykmor/RacingRivRam910?feat=directlink
> Fairly traditional build, but perked it up with some Paul's centerpull
> brakes, Honjo fenders and a Schmidt/Phil wheel combo by Peter White.
> The rear light is not wired quite yet, hence the battery light that I
> needed for the Salt to Saint Relay (Salt Lake City, UT to Saint
> George, UT) I did last weekend. The bike performed marvelously and our
> team did the 401 miles in just over 20 hours.
> A leather mud flap will bring the front fender reach down a bit, but I
> wanted a little more fender forward, as well as the ability to load
> the bike on a fork mount rack, which a low front fender sometimes
> precludes.
> Cheers,
> BykMor

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