The dimensions of the two bikes are nearly identical, and I believe
the larger sizes (>56????) use the same diameter tubing (8-5-8).
There might be a small bit of extra clearance for fenders on the
Roadeo, but I believe that's about it.  So you're talking ounces at
most.  Grab the Ram, an established classic, and put your savings into
light wheels, ti saddle, etc and don't look back!
On Sep 22, 5:17 pm, doug peterson <> wrote:
> Johnny:
> There was a thread here about a year ago entitled "is the Ram the
> perfect Riv?" or something similar.  It was long and quite detailed
> and worth digging up.
> I ride an Atlantis so I'm the last guy to ask about weight,
> performance, etc.  But to your question about the Roadeo being
> significantly lighter than a Ram, if you were a true weight weenie,
> you wouldn't be looking at either.
> dougP
> On Sep 22, 5:02 pm, Johnny Alien <> wrote:
> > Bumping an older thread.
> > Say that I found a really nice condition used Rambo in my size.  Say
> > it's a great price and from a very nice dealer.
> > Is it worth the extra cash and time to go with the Roadeo. Is it
> > really a ton lighter and will that matter.
> > The Rambouillet would be run with light components (DT shifters,
> > compact double crank, etc.)

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