The frame looks kind of Bridgestone-y, although it seems to have fillet brazed 
rear dropouts, and I think B-stone used the button style.

I see it was no longer for sale this AM. Perhaps a local buyer picked it up.

From: Joe Bartoe <>
Sent: Mon, July 12, 2010 10:53:17 AM
Subject: RE: [RBW] Fw:URL Odd small Riv on Ebay

 Yep, you're right. Even the earliest Rivs that I can find like Chris Kostman's 
'95 All-Rounder have more ornate lugs compared to the E-bay bike, and these are 
much less ornate than more contemporary Rivs. 

The ebay bike owner should give the serial number. Has anyone tried asking for 
it to verify if it's a real serial number for a Riv. You can almost see it in 
thepics, but it's a bit blurry.


Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:16:30 -0700
Subject: Re: [RBW] Fw:URL Odd small Riv on Ebay


I agree about the paint but I don't recall ever seeing any Riv with plain lugs. 
There are/were early ones around that don't have the first RBW crown, as the 
initial testing revealed a flaw and some frames went out with HJ crowns.  Even 
the early Rivs had the Sachs designed lugs to the best of my knowledge.  Most 


On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Joe Bartoe <> wrote:

I hate to disagree....well, actually I kind of like to disagree. Anyway, if you 
look around, you'll find that there are plenty of early Rivs that have paint 
jobs that differ markedly from the current Riv aesthetic. I distinctly remember 
one that was sort of a limey green metallic with yell head tube and lugfill. 
no, Joe Bell would never paint a non-Riv frame and then put Riv decals on it. 
Also, after the first paintjob, Grant/Riv no longer controls the paint job 
choices so if it's a second paintjob, that would also explain the difference.
>I am a little confused by the poster not knowing the model, though. It would 
>seem that any Riv owner would know that. Then again, an early Riv would likely 
>not have had a model name as they started out kind of simply. It might have 
>been a road frame.
>Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 17:20:58 -0700
>Subject: Re: [RBW] Fw:URL Odd small Riv on Ebay
>I agree, very odd.  Nothing about it says Rivendell except the decals, but JB 
>wouldn't refinish a non-Riv with those decals would he?
>On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 1:58 PM, trevor segraves <> wrote:
>>Almost forgot 
>>----- Forwarded Message ----
>>From: trevor segraves <>
>>Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 1:31:16 PM
>>Subject: Odd small Riv on Ebay
>>Simple lugs, Henry James crown, granted it is a small frame, but nothing on 
>>bike says Riv to me accept the decals and badge, even the water bottle bosses 
>>seam oddly placed. 
>>Any thoughts?
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