I never bothered to check. Apart from one Tom Slick that had a bump in it
noticeable when I rode (it wasn't round) and one other tire I forget that
tended to pop off the rim, I just mount and ride.

Well, mount, *inflate* and ride.

Patrick "trying to stretch his Big Apple Liteskins from 60 mm to 70 mm"
Moore, who doesn't use talc or soap or anythin' 'cept a pump.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Earl Grey <earlg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To follow up,
> I bought a floor pump, dismounted the tires, soaped them up,
> remounted, overinflated, still the same variability. Dismounted again,
> covered  (dry) bead in baby powder, remounted, overinflated to about
> 90psi, left overnight, still about 0.5mm variability in tire width
> (between 34.7 and 35.2mm for the 35mm Pasela on Synergy OC, at about
> 35psi). The "witness line" is still not even all the way around,
> varying by about 0.5mm. I tend to think that this is variability in
> the tire, and not poor mounting, but what do I know. I am fairly
> certain this variability is completely inconsequential, I am just
> surprised it exists.
> I would be curious to know any of you who pride themselves on good
> tire mounting skills can measure similar variability in tire width.
> --
Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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