Hi Kim,

It was only the cutting off the end of the grip that I was not happy with.  The 
method I described works great, looks just fine to me, and is not at all 
uncomfortable.  But thanks for the suggestion.

Kind Regards

Matt D
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> on 
behalf of Kim H. <krhet...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 11:36:18 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [RBW] Re: More on bar end shifter cable routing


Suggestively speaking, if you are not truly happy with your outcome, you could 
take your favorite bar tape and wrap it around your grips to hide the shifter 
cables. It would give you added cushion and hide the cables.

Kim Hetzel.

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:58:08 PM UTC-8 Matthew Danning wrote:
Some time ago there was a discussion of bar end shifters with Oury style grips 
on upright bars, with a recommendation to cut off the end of the grip.  I had 
difficulty making that method look neat and tidy so I do something a bit 

First I slide the grip onto the bar, then I tap the end of the grip repeatedly 
until the end of the bar cuts into the end of the grip.  I keep tapping until 
the the end of the grip is completely cut through, and remove the resulting 
rubber plug.

I then figure out the desired orientation of the shifter, and mentally aligned 
the cable exit with one of the longitudinal grooves in the grip.

Next, I use a coarse small round file to cut a groove of sufficient depth into 
the small flange on the end of the grip to allow the shifter cable housing to 
enter the shifter without kinking.

Lastly, I use a suitable twine to wrap and tie the shifter housing to the grip 
and finish it off with a bit of shellac.

See attached pic.

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