I got my first Rivendell (a Betty Foy), in late ‘12. I knew nothing about 
anything and came to this group in search of knowledge and camaraderie. 
There were few women then, and when one would appear, I’d call her my 
RivSister. Over the years we have grown in number. We have found each other 
on social media, sent gifts through the mail, video messaged, and even met 
in person. 

Pam Murray had an idea. The Cycling Queen of the Queen City would invite us 
to her hometown, Charlotte, NC for a few days of riding. I arrived a day 
late, as Ice Storm Cora made the WV mountain passes impassable. I arrived 
at our cute Airbnb, The Rosebud Retreat, and was joined shortly after by 
Roberta of Philadelphia, PA, Kate of Trenton, NJ, Dorothy of Simi Valley, 
CA and Pam of Charlotte, NC. 

I have never seen so many mixtes. Pam has a bike library full of Rivendell 
mixtes, and Roberta and I brought 2 more. Dorothy had the lone diamond 
frame, an orange Roadini. Pam rode her famous Betty Foy and borrowed Kate 
her 55 cm RBW blue Cheviot. Roberta chose her mermaid Platy and I brought 
my purple Gravel & Travel Platypus.

We started our days at the local coffee shops. From there, we met Pam and 
took rides to see historic buildings, greenways, a mansion, neighborhoods, 
and eateries. We did a night ride that included riding through uptown. 
(They don’t say downtown in Charlotte; uptown sounds more elevated!) 

There was a constant stream of chatter; we covered all the topics. We drank 
obscene amounts of coffee. Braided hair. Baked sourdough bread (I drove 700 
miles with my starter in my truck). We lost the keys a lot. We rode with 
the sun soaking into our bones, thankful for wool and steel. Grateful for 
sisterhood and the bikes that bind us.

Below is the IG link. It shows up better on FB so if you are on RBW Owners 
Bunch on FB, look there. I’ll send a 2nd post with some photos and 
commentary. I’m switching my profile back to private in a week or so, and 
then the link won’t work.

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