The Good Tom! I sure hope we can meet again!

River - there will be rides posted on the event website. Pam often leads a ride to the Keystone After Party and sometimes one on Sunday. There was a coffee ride last year I really enjoyed.

On Jan 18, 2025, at 11:27 AM, Tom Goodmann <> wrote:

Last year was my first time going, and I really enjoyed it. The Rivenfolk are great, of course, and I got to meet Leah and Pam, as well as builders such as Jeffrey Bock and Brian Chapman. The morning and evening rides are an added bonus; I also volunteered, which I will happily do again. That said, I'm not so sure I can get there this year, given a tight schedule in March, but I highly recommend PBE and taking part in every element of it.  The vibe at PBE is excellent. Be sure to bring a bike!  Good time to buy a show bike from Rivendell, too.


On Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 7:49:58 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
I am!

On Friday, January 17, 2025 at 7:31:31 PM UTC-5 Julian Westerhout wrote:
The 2025 Philadelphia Bike Expo is on March 8 and 9, and Rivendell is going to be there.  I went last year for a few hours (on my way back home from a family visit in MD) and enjoyed it a lot. Fun to meet some of the Rivendell staff in person, and lots of other interesting things to look at and enjoy. 

I'm thinking about going again this year - -but for a bit longer in order to be able to really enjoy it. 

Anyone else considering going? 

Julian Westerhout
Bloomington, IL 

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