I had a BOB trailer for years and loved it. Handled seamlessly on my 
Cheviot. You have to buy a special QR skewer but otherwise, no real fuss or 
maintenance. Not sure they're even made anymore, though. 

On Monday, December 16, 2024 at 7:23:45 AM UTC-5 Ryan wrote:

> Those Burleys are great! When my son was born and I was still actively 
> touring with a local Winnipeg cycletouring club, they very generously 
> chipped in towards one and I started using it a lot once my son was about 
> 18 months old. I hooked it up to my Cannondale M2000 and we hit just about 
> every park in Winnipeg. It could carry my son and all the paraphernalia a 
> toddler needs plus snacks and water and food for a picnic. Easy to hook up 
> and detach, stable...probably not even bad for touring. I used it for 3 or 
> so years and then sold it for a nominal sum to another couple in the club 
> who had a baby. I wonder how many kids it hauled around. I would not be 
> surprised if it's still going strong somewhere. I think at the time (circa 
> 1992), it was about $400 USD but absolutely worth it.Particularly since I 
> didn't own a car. Used it once on my X0-1, maybe I had a flat tite on the 
> Cannondale...but that did not work quite as well; the trailer and its load 
> on the X0-1 was a bit like the tail wagging the dog.
> My late partner had one of the BOB Yak trailers; this one 
> https://www.mec.ca/en/product/5044-122/bob-yak-plus-bicycle-trailer which 
> he liked...but might have contributed to the demise of his S-works 
> Specialized CF mountain bike; chain stay started delaminating. From time to 
> time he would borrow my Cannondale; its stiff aluminum frame was a much 
> better hauler. Recently I gave the Bob to a friend and onetime local 
> version of Rich Lesnick who built most of my wheels. 
> On Monday, December 16, 2024 at 3:59:48 AM UTC-6 Marc Irwin wrote:
>> I've been using a Burley Travoy 
>> <https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9375495011f794a5&sxsrf=ADLYWIJA1yDKe4bBnYCtL8yNI1Vint74Aw:1734343044679&q=burley+travoy&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J03RPjGV0MznOJ6Likin94pT_oR1DTSof42bOBxoTNxGeB1pS5_mub79WlyOO98XhEgJ5ByfFkeFUd9hlGBCmUZgrzLESyrkqGBL7osK5ZH3-0drzcH2VIMmwLRButbs-cMHhV8leQ--AYHsqw2WSrddKuHyCX6iowNOKZDTcJOO0G_14g&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi13eKog6yKAxXk38kDHfHAJ3QQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=1280&bih=580&dpr=1.5>
>> for years and love it.
>> Marc
>> On Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 6:39:11 PM UTC-5 Stephen wrote:
>>> I've been getting curious about hauling bigger and awkward objects by 
>>> bike and starting to consider bicycle trailers. Does anybody here use them? 
>>> What do you like and any recommendations? Is it better to have a removable 
>>> trailer or a dedicated cargo bicycle? Curious to hear other people's takes 
>>> and experiences.
>>> -Stephen

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