Got it. Thank you!

On Nov 5, 2024, at 11:36 AM, G.E. <> wrote:

Good to know! I've also received strange messages like this, but didn't respond because it was too off. Good to know this though, so thank you Jim.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9:33:59 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
Jeff - 

I've posted about this a few times, but as a reminder:

- If someone is not a list member they cannot see your email address and would have difficulty contacting you directly.
- If someone has contacted you directly offering an item you seek, best practice is to check if they are a list member.
- In this case, there is no one with that user name (and only one user with an "" account).
- That means that someone has joined the group and quietly ID'ing folks who post WTT / WTB, then contacting them from another account.
- I have no ability to ID a non-list member (and since that account is not a list member, I cannot ban them)

Best practice = Check the name/email  - you can search generally in Conversations. If they don't show up, assume it is a scam. 

Jim / list admin (only one... no "mods" in this group other than me)

On Monday, November 4, 2024 at 6:11:09 AM UTC-8 wrote:
I received this same email regarding a seatpost I was looking for. Seems like a scam. I didn't respond but maybe mods can now block this user?

On Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 5:43:21 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:
This was sent to me offlist. I don’t recognize “steelcore70” and I expect this is a scam because of the illiterate composition and absence of particulars.

But I need a bit of vicarious excitement so I thought I’d raise the matter on-list and perhaps eve reply to the sender to see what happens. 

No, I’m not going to send money.

At least this brings “steelcore70” to the list’s attention.

Your (plural) thoughts?

Patrick Moore, still waiting to hear about the cash I wired to the Nigerian prince.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: steelcore70 <>
Date: Sun, Nov 3, 2024 at 3:32 PM
Subject: fixed hub convertible form.
To: <>

Hello Patrick how are you dong ? I have the... fixed hub  convertible form. which im willing to 

part with ...with a fair price in a great condition ... where are you located ? i would love to 

know  if you still in interested im going to send you a picture of your request on your response ... 
Be safe .


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing services


When thou didst not, savage, know thine own meaning,

But wouldst gabble like a thing most brutish,

I endowed thy purposes with words that made them known.

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