Thanks everyone! Very helpful and I’ve got what I need!


On Oct 26, 2024, at 1:05 PM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

On Friday, October 25, 2024 at 6:38:18 PM UTC-5 wrote:
Would anyone out there be willing to share photos of their drop bar Hillborne or similar so that I can see cable routing? 

Here's one of mine, from the side. I don't have a good front one without the bag in the way. I've been doing bar end cables loose like that for a while, but might go back to putting them under the tape, at least for the flat area of the drop. I have the bars up a bit on this one. On my periwinkle Sam, the stem is slammed a bit, and I use a noodle to transition the sharp angle to the hanger.


Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI, USA

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