Walz caps makes great ones- a variety of materials.
The mesh caps (like Patagonia) not great for us bald guys- would be a funny 

On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 9:38:53 AM UTC-4 brianmark...@gmail.com wrote:

> I always wear one under my helmet. Catches sweat, gives shade, makes 
> helmet fit better, and in the winter I wear one with ear flaps. Randi Jo 
> Fab is my preference. 
> On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 2:28:24 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Eric's reach-out for a Riv stubby cap makes me think of cycling caps and 
>> their uses. In warm weather I always ride in them because they work better 
>> as sweat catchers and also block sun (mile-high sun can overpower 
>> sunglasses) and help block the wind -- ours carries a lot of dust. In cold 
>> weather I use brimmed insulated caps, wool or synthetic that cover the ears.
>> I like the retro team caps I stocked up on years ago when Nashbar was 
>> blowing them out for single digits for their ironic roadie team kit style 
>> -- Peugeot, Legnano, BP, Bianchi, and especially Molteni, but these are 
>> cheaply made with brittle and breakable plastic in the brims, so I'm down 
>> to just a couple of Moltenis, a Bianchi, and a much loved Legnano.
>> I'm also down to the very last 2 out of at least half a dozen customs, 
>> and gradually bringing into use a stash of Rivendell cycling-proper caps, 
>> with a Rivendell and a Cheviot now in rotation and about 3-4 in reserve. 
>> I'm glad the the Riv caps are far better made and more durable than the 
>> retro team caps.
>> Who on list uses cycling caps for cycling?
>> Patrick Moore, whose beloved ancient bright yellow Campy cap blew off in 
>> a headwind, in ABQ, NM.
>> -- 
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
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>> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
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>> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
>> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
>> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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