On Sep 5, 2024, at 9:04 AM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <jonasandle...@gmail.com> wrote:
I’d love to come and ride with you Californians! Preferably in the dead of winter when I’m deep in withdrawals here in SW Michigan. Borrow me a bike?
Last night was another great experience. Dubbed The Tunnel Ride because the route takes you through two long tunnels, it was an adventure. The second part of the ride always my favorite because it is so exhilarating to ride in the dark. We do not backtrack. You never know where you’re going but you can count on off-roading. The Kids were in fine form; one of them was riding a Townie and wheelie’d it nearly the whole ride. Another was on a tiny BMX bike WHICH HE RODE BACKWARDS ON CITY STREETS, nearly missing several parked cars. The little BMX could accelerate surprisingly fast, and he came close to taking out one of his buddies in the dark. None of these kids can be bothered with lights. It was one man’s 40th birthday. He had a birthday hat and had decorated his bike accordingly.
We encountered another group ride - the crotch rocket crowd! They were stuck at a light, waiting for our group to run our red and make them miss their green. They revved their engines at us, put their bikes up on the rear wheels, but it looked like camaraderie and not a threat. “We should team up,” I told J.
At a light, a truck behind us rolled down the window and asked which way we were turning. Where had we started from? What is this and where are we going? It was a man, I put him in his 70s, and I cringed, waiting to be scolded. Nope, he was genuinely interested and he was happy to see us out and share the road with us. At that same intersection, another man about the same age was waiting at the crosswalk, licking an ice cream cone. He blessed us and wished us a safe ride. Please believe me when I say Michigan is the Land of the Nice People.
The socializing spot took place on a service road in the woods. It was dirt tire tracks, sometimes pockmarked with water-filled pits. Tree branches obscured the way, some of them hooking into our clothes as we rode by. I am unnerved by uneven terrain like that, but my Platypus has never balked. I think the bike is far more capable of staying upright on rough terrain than I treat it. These rides will make me a more confident rider.
This is a no drop ride, and if anyone has a mechanical, the leaders stop and fix it. Both men run bike shops - “We know how to fix bikes and we have tools” they tell us, and by golly they do. We had a lengthy mechanical on the bike path home. It was 10:30, pitch black, and homes lined the side of the bike path. We are a motley crew, a mob of bikes and riders with lights and several speakers blasting music. It is the middle of the work week. Some of the riders rode circles in people’s driveways. If I’m those homeowners, I’m irritated, and probably scared. I fully expected the police to arrive or a homeowner to come out and yell at us. The lights flickered on in the homes and I knew we were being watched, but nothing happened. The patience of the Michiganders will never cease to amaze me.
I’ll switch my IG to public and attach a link in the next post so you can see these characters in living color.
Thanks for coming along with me. You guys are so fun. Leah
On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 12:24:27 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
Now see I like how this is turning into a massive crowd insisting Leah come visit us in California. Come ride, Leah!
On Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 5:07:28 PM UTC-7 Lucky wrote:
Hold up hold up, message me if this is happening in the Bay Area, my kid and I will attend if possible! Ben, I've got a dress I can wear for a Greenway Prom. If Bill gets his blue suit ready maybe that will be the critical mass we need to get Leah back out to CA. But it needs to cool down because right now it is too hot for the amount of sparkles I plan to wear.
Bill should we grab Patch and make our own prom ride down the greenway? Maybe that would be enough to convince Leah to come to the Bay. 😂
If I ever go Wilding with Leah, I would proudly wear a powder blue tuxedo and be her prom date. In my office in Michigan I keep a Crust Florida Man fixie as well as my Rivendell Sam Hillborne. My assumption with that demographic is that I'd ride the Florida Man. That would go better with my tux anyway.
Bill Lindsay El Cerrito, CA
I am waiting to hear the write up from a Bill L/Leah anything goes ride! Bill, just to play devil's advocate... what bike are you going to take?!!!
On Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 6:36:07 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
"when are you going to meet me in GR so we can experience this lunacy simultaneously?"
I'll let you know if something materializes in late September.
On Friday, August 30, 2024 at 3:13:31 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Bill, I heartily solicit and accept your approvals!
I think the line of not being precious is also out of MY hands…I seem to go on these adventures with little control over the details (like, I have not the foggiest idea of where I am at any given time ever, so whatever they say I have to do) and then have to face the aftermath. I spent $$$$ on that curated little purple sparkler and I will probably spend $$$$ fixing it after these GR guys get done with us.
In fact, Bill, when are you going to meet me in GR so we can experience this lunacy simultaneously? I bet it’s not too far from your Michigan whereabouts; I promise it will be worth the drive.
Little Brother Ben, I knew you’d love the look of that Atlantis. It is totally up to your filthy bike standards! I still think J should clean it. Also, I know you would love this ride. Take a vacation! L On Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 5:06:39 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
I vigorously approve of your wanton disregard for the stern guidance you received from the Jargon Police Department (JPD). Keep on Wilding!
I disapprove of the thought of an older man falling hard and having a hard time getting up the next day. I don't like that part of the story I conditionally approve of not being precious with your bike. There is a line that you get to draw, and then get to decide if you've crossed the line you made. It's out of my hands... I strenuously withhold comment regarding whether or not you are too old for this kind of activity. That tops the list of "Things that are not my call"
Bill Lindsay El Cerrito, CA On Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 1:16:02 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
I went out wilding again in GR last night. This time I took a young guy I know from a bike committee we served on together. He is almost a kid. Like, mid 20s. I’ll call him Jack. This is his Surly, which he is proud of:
The bikes began to roll in and Jack was STOKED about all of them. We live in a roadie city, and rare is it we see anyone on bikes like ours. Jack saw bikes IRL he has only seen online. He was absolutely elated.
I mentioned that the most dangerous spots would be the front and the back. Also, we’d be running any and all red lights.
“I’m down,” he said, coolly.
J rolled up on his Atlantis. “All your bikes are in the same state of filth and disrepair, I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.
“It’s C&O dirt”, J said, defensively. That ride was months ago.
Last night was a special event - the bike polo event. J took us on a winding route through the city and ended at the new bike polo courts, which J tells me are the best bike polo courts in the country. He routed us through GR historic bike polo places along the way, like this scary space, where they used to play until they were removed from the property as they were a “liability.”
We had the usual hair-raising experiences. A guy took a stick to the wheel riding up a hill and went over his bars. Our mob of 86 riders was forced to suddenly veer off the road to allow the screeching ambulance to roar by. We had to scramble down an embankment and lift our rigs over train tracks before ascending one final grassy hill to reach our courts.
The bike polo people were waiting with speakers and microphone, alcohol and other things at the ready and for the taking. I did not do the taking. Revelry ensued. The bike polo matches began. There were novices and experts. Lots of crashing. The bikes for this are special - they have one brake, a front disc, usually, and it’s got a guard. Polo bikes have low gearing and twitchy handling. Some have nets in the spokes.
Pictured, some of the 86 bikes that were ridden to the courts that night.
The Platypus attracted excessive attention by both folks who knew Riv and who had never heard of it. One man said, “The more I look at this the more I see..this bike is CURATED. You thought about this bike when you built it.” The words “deep custom” were bandied about. I must say that men have been overwhelmingly fond of the tacky My Little Platy, which I did not expect.
At 11 pm, J rallied us to leave. He mentioned that he would be “shooting from the hip” for the route and that it would have “a little gravel.” But I know what he really means. I warned Jack. We headed out in the dark, along the railroad tracks. Sure enough, we had to make our way along those tracks with the earth sloping on us and the “gravel” was actually rocks - like golf balls. We ended up hiking our bikes for a lot of it. In the dark. On uneven ground. An older man took a bad fall, landing splayed across the railroad tracks, still clipped in to his bike. He managed to get up but he might not be getting up out of bed tomorrow.
I’m learning not to be precious on these adventures. My stuff always comes back worse than when I brought it. I found my beloved custom Oakley night riding glasses in the grass, nosepiece and one bow laying separate from the frame. One lens is irreparably scratched. My Platypus was knocked about as I hoisted it over obstacles and one fender is now rubbing, one PDX breakaway tab cracked. I’m missing a little hide on my shin from the pedal pins.
I dropped the kid back at his place and got home just before 1 am.
I am too old for this.
I am doing it again next week.
Ohh, it’s worse than you think. I have 3 (three) Platypuses. The original, my raspberry, which goes on club rides. My mermaid, which has Hexlox everything and is racked and bagged so I can take it shopping and lock it up, and my purple Gravel & Travel Platy which is more compact for travel/Amtrak and has fat tires for off road stuff. I had no idea that purple build would be perfect for these Wednesday night rides, but I’ll never be able to bring anything else on that ride! <image0.jpeg>
I hope you get your purple Platy and soon - Ben has a hot lead on a 55, so you should stop by that shop!
Thanks, too, for the kind words, Ben. ❤️ Leah
Thank you for the warm welcoming words Leah. I went to the mothership a couple of months ago and among others, tried Clems and Platys as set up by Antonio. I love your unique “rasberry?” colored Platy and now a second purple Platy? Will said Platys are coming but I have my heart set on a purple one which will hopefully be available later next year. Meanwhile, I’ll ride what I have which are older highly geared road bikes as well as mountain bikes. “Need” a Riv to ride civilized and upright. Haha. The light within me honors the light
within you!
put my money on solar energy... I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal
run out before we tackle that." -Thomas Edison, in conversation with Henry
Ford and Harvey Firestone, March 1931
It's not (just) about the bike. It's about the people you get to know and the places you get to go ... faster than walking, and slower than an automobile. Perfect!
Great writing piece Leah. All smiles here.
On Friday, August 9, 2024 at 5:29:48 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Welcome, Menos. Whether you just got a Rivendell or you are interested in them, you’ll find a lot of helpful, kind people on the List. I look forward to seeing you around here. Glad you liked this ride story!
Thoroughly enjoyable piece of riding writing. :) Made me feel like I was on this adventurous romp. I’m new to this group but see there are regular contributors to help me learn the world of Riv. Thank you.
On Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 6:56:12 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
The sweetest little brother. Ben was an Instagram find, friends! He’s still a pup but he is teaching us his ways!
Let’s keep it fresh!
oh that means so much to me.
to be considered along side such an amazing, strong, and ground breaking group of women. it means a lot. i cant wait for the invite to the riv sisters group ride and to get dropped by the rainbow platty. maybe we can urban dictionary new words on the ride to keep it "fresh".
Ben "little brother" R
Ben, we RivSisters do love our Little Brother!
that ride looks absolutely amazing and fun. so happy to see you taking your self out of the comfort zone and not being afraid to try new things.
that dirty crust looks rad. you already know how i feel about it its absolutely sick. you cant trust a clean bike but thats the beauty of bikes. a form of self _expression_. much like words, to be used however you want to express whatever you want. i guess some people dont see it that way.
leah you're a true inspiration on the bike and a wonder with words. love reading your ride recap storys.
Ben "Wildn" R aka Ben "semi a Riv Sister" R Yeah George.... I read it. And Liz kind of nailed how I feel. This is a woman posting about her joyous riding experience. I think anyone who has been engaging on this forum will know that Leah is not out on her rainbow Platy, raping people in Central park and bragging about in on the RBW group. Can we just enjoy the ride report and leave out the mansplaining and dictionary definitions?
And even if you Joe says he's cool with the Ralph Kramden name, it comes across as mean spirited. And I'm too fond of my pal Joe to let that go unsaid.
On Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 5:18:57 PM UTC-7 Lucky wrote:
National awareness? Man I hope the moderator kills this thread soon. It started out as a fun joyful ride report and it’s devolved into a bunch of dudes arguing about whether or not they would use a word in polite… or maybe less than polite company, considering. Now I have to go down the whole thread just to see the fun pictures.
Go look at the pictures guys, there are Rivendells! There’s anodizing! There are joyful people riding bicycles and touching grass.
I have to agree with George, that one might want to be careful when using this term. This is how it came to national awareness:
Tragic for all. I was very aware of the incident, having left WDC just ~4 months earlier.
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