@ Phillip, Thanks for chiming in, I'd love to see you add a photo of said 

I wasn't going to spill the beans yet but I actually have an 04 Quickbeam 
in transit and was planning the same thing, tho now I'm second guessing 
that idea and might shift a black B17 standard over to that build and adorn 
my Susie with the new unit.

@Peter, Thanks again, order was placed today and I'm so incredibly joyous. 

@Sarah, Much appreciated! I'm over the moon and can't wait to received my 
beloved new saddle. It's the little things, right?

@Doug, Thank you, I'm glad that I kept the hope alive and everything worked 
out. I'll post add an update upon it's arrival.

Cheers all!


On Monday, August 26, 2024 at 7:17:37 AM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:

> Me too Sarah! That is a fantastic looking saddle. Congrats on finding this 
> rare model.
> Doug
> On Monday, August 26, 2024 at 9:30:04 AM UTC-4 sarahlik...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Somehow it has made my morning to see someone else achieve their saddle 
>> dreams! I'm happy for you Jared!
>> On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 11:11:02 AM UTC-7 jaredwilson wrote:
>>> Peter, I'll take it!
>>>  Please hold for me, I'll be sending an email now.
>>> jared
>>> On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 7:46:56 AM UTC-7 peter...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> We have one left in stock. B17 Champion Special Ti in green.
>>>> On Sat, Aug 24, 2024 at 9:57 PM Philip Williamson <
>>>> philip.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> The BRG “Brooks Racing Green” saddle was one of the first things I got 
>>>>> for my 2004 Quickbeam. It’s been on there ever since, and it’s pretty 
>>>>> great. It looks almost black now, after 20 years. 
>>>>> I didn’t know there were titanium railed versions either! 
>>>>> Good luck with the search,
>>>>> Philip
>>>>> SR, CA
>>>>> On Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 1:21:16 PM UTC-7 jaredwilson wrote:
>>>>>> With great apprehension I come to you all with yet another WTB ask, 
>>>>>> but this one is so much more.
>>>>>> Back when I was first getting into "real bicycles", it was the "come 
>>>>>> up" of fixed gears and track bikes. Some of you know what I'm talking 
>>>>>> about, it was around 05-06 and videos started to emerge online with 
>>>>>> names 
>>>>>> like Mash SF and Macaframa, an NYC based blog called Prolly is not 
>>>>>> Probably 
>>>>>> was gaining traction, and in my small, agriculture based hometown there 
>>>>>> were about 3 of us who discovered these things around the same time.
>>>>>> There was a small bike shop that resided inside an also small, local 
>>>>>> sporting goods store and a childhood friend had recently taken a job 
>>>>>> there 
>>>>>> learning the ropes in hopes of becoming a skilled mechanic, as well as 
>>>>>> to 
>>>>>> receive a discount on parts to fulfill the goal of going from a 27" road 
>>>>>> bike with a JB Welded on track cog and bottom bracket lockring to a 
>>>>>> proper 
>>>>>> fixed gear set up.
>>>>>> This friend helped me along the same pathway, trading up from a 
>>>>>> clapped out Fuji Royale conversion, to the next and the next, eventually 
>>>>>> landing on some pretty neat bikes (for the time), with the "high" being 
>>>>>> a 
>>>>>> prototype Bianchi Super Pista. While I was wheeling and dealing (some 
>>>>>> things never change, it appears) my friend stuck with this first and 
>>>>>> only 
>>>>>> proper fixed gear, a Surly Steamroller. Purchased complete, he 
>>>>>> eventually 
>>>>>> worked it over, a new Velocity Deep V wheelset, some wicked narrow Nitto 
>>>>>> NJS certified track drops, and the likes. 
>>>>>> What really enamored me was this beautiful, and I mean gorgeous 
>>>>>> Brooks B17 special. It was not just any B17 special, it was the newly 
>>>>>> released "British Racing Green" color. That saddle was captivating to 
>>>>>> me, 
>>>>>> but at a scant 125lbs I never stood a chance of breaking one in, so I 
>>>>>> stuck 
>>>>>> with my Flites and Turbos. For years I watched that saddle age and get 
>>>>>> more 
>>>>>> and more beautiful, and the fire inside grew. The way the copper, hand 
>>>>>> hammered rivets played off the green dyed leather... it was mesmerizing! 
>>>>>> Soon after this era I received my DL, found my way into aircooled VW's, 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> largely left cycling behind for 13-14 years.
>>>>>> Since then I've always had a bike around, with the knowledge of 
>>>>>> Rivendell's existence but it always seems unattainable to step into that 
>>>>>> world. About 4 years ago I was able to break through that barrier and 
>>>>>> have 
>>>>>> been enamored with these bikes ever since. The community has welcomed my 
>>>>>> wife and I with open arms. I've had many a great transaction with 
>>>>>> countless 
>>>>>> members on this list, and my wife has been indoctrinated into the 
>>>>>> fellowship of the Rivsisters by way of our own Leah P. Needless to say, 
>>>>>> these bikes have had a large impact on our lives and I'm grateful for 
>>>>>> every 
>>>>>> ride and every transaction where I'm able to pass along something to an 
>>>>>> appreciative buyer or to score that final part to wrap up a build.
>>>>>> However, that green B17 special has continued to live rent free in 
>>>>>> the depths of my mind, festering like a wound I just can't heal. I've 
>>>>>> missed the opportunity to snag one on the group once or twice and it's 
>>>>>> only 
>>>>>> added to the fire to one day own my "white whale". In some ways I 
>>>>>> actively 
>>>>>> pursue items, goals, etc, and in other ways I like to let the universe 
>>>>>> open 
>>>>>> doors, but I'm realizing I've waited long enough and so here we are, me 
>>>>>> writing a short novel about my want for a damn bike saddle and asking if 
>>>>>> one of you happen to be holding the keys to my saddle euphoria.
>>>>>> I wasn't even aware of a titanium version until our own Joe Remi 
>>>>>> posted one back in 2020, my mind always pictured the steel railed 
>>>>>> version 
>>>>>> with copper plating.
>>>>>> So, anyone? 
>>>>>> Open to either version and hope to hear anyones history or insight 
>>>>>> regarding these special (to me) saddles.
>>>>>> Please respond with offerings to jaredwi...@gmail.com, not the email 
>>>>>> associated to this posting.
>>>>>> With love <3
>>>>>> jared in SC, CA
>>>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-08-24 at 1.17.05 PM.png]
>>>>>> *Photo credits to marcus_jb1973 on Flickr*
>>>>>> -- 
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Peter White

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