When a man tells me to watch my language, I’ll consider the source. Joe = Friend to RivSisters. Hate to tally up the hours he’s spent helping me solve bike problems. All that knowledge-sharing, and never been mean-spirited. If Joe said, “Hey I think you might want to rephrase that,” I probably would. George calls Joe Ralph Kramden and me Annie Oakley, and I don’t think it’s meant to build us up. Furthermore, I’ve shown myself to be of good character over my many years on this List, and I doubt any of you actually think I’m out breaking the law. So, on Wednesday Evening Rides, I’m going wilding. You aren’t going to police my language, and especially if I know you to be someone who takes pleasure in putting others back in their places. I wrote you a beautiful piece with a fresh take on the traditional “ride reports” but no one has to read it. You can go back to the FS posts and the WTB post...there are so many. Also: RivSisters. I love you so. Leah On Aug 8, 2024, at 8:29 PM, Sarah Carlson <sarahlikesbik...@gmail.com> wrote: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/61158A5E-4FFC-41D9-9A09-A3B10829C622%40gmail.com. |
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Jay
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Steve
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Philip Williamson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Joe Bernard
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Sarah Carlson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Patrick Moore
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Patrick Moore
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR luckyturnip
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Sarah Carlson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Doug H.
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Leah Peterson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Ben R
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Sarah Carlson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Doug H.
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Ben R
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Leah Peterson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Menos Joven
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Leah Peterson
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Chris Halasz
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR Joe Bernard
- Re: [RBW] A Different Kind of RR ly29