I love my large Metro, its mirror, the back strap for a blinky, the
round shape, the snaps for a rain cover. I stocked up on an extra
Metro last year, or the year before. Well a house guest used my extra
on the hard-pack desert trail north of Fruita. My bike was OK, his
lips only needed $1265 worth of stitches and the tooth will probably
be saved, but...horrors!...the helmet's front foam was cracked. So a
lengthy search on the net, including Rivbike.com of course, yields no
large Metro available in the virtual world. At this point I would take
any color though I was always partial to the white or titanium.

I know, there is the Citi that will just fit my obscenely large head
(as my mother likes to remind me on my birthday). But it lacks the
snaps I need for the rain cover for winter riding.

So does anyone know? Does Bell plan to offer a Metro or an update in
the future?

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