Fantastic! I would also skip the bar and the weed but this sounds like a 
blast of a ride!

On Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 6:41:10 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> I have long wished to do the Grand Rapids Wednesday Evening Ride. My Riv 
> buddy, J, co-leads it, and the routes are ever-changing and FUN. Maybe you 
> storm the castle. Maybe you end up in a river. Wind up in a kickball 
> tournament. It isn’t convenient - it’s an hour’s drive, and starts after 
> 8pm. A ride that starts after 8!!! On a Wednesday! But those GR folks 
> know how to do it.
> Last night, I made it. Beginning in the heart of GR, we would ride a 16 mi 
> route in urban and rural landscapes. A variety of bikes were represented; 
> cobbled-together builds, vintage bikes, bikepacking and touring bikes, 
> fixies, hybrids, whatever those bikes are that you ride on the rear wheel, 
> and one Platypus. Not represented: high-tech carbon fiber/time trial bikes 
> with roadies astride them. The reason would soon become apparent.
> We set off. Bikes were all over the road. “The kids”, a group of teens who 
> ride their rear wheels set themselves up as “blockers” so we could move 
> through intersections. The drivers seemed unbothered. J said, “Leah, I 
> forgot to tell you we are going to blow red lights. The police prefer we do 
> so we stay in one group.” The ride has been going for 20 years, so I guess 
> the drivers expect this. I did as I was told, casting nervous glances over 
> my shoulder at J.
> [image: image0.jpeg]
> Most of my miles come from club rides. Club rides prize order, 
> communication, pace, predictability. This ride was a free-for-all. Jubilant 
> and raucous. Music blared from speakers strapped to frames. People sipped 
> beer. The scent of weed hung in the air. The Kids zipped about on one 
> wheel. We had two crashes in the first 20 minutes. I vacillated between 
> having fun and feeling terrified. 
> One minute we were in the city, the next we were in the woods on a paved 
> trail, bodies of water surrounding us. The sounds of the creatures in the 
> woods were as loud as the music on the bikes. We sailed over bridges, 
> veered off onto gravel, our giant band of bikes wending its way along the 
> route. It was gorgeous. 
> [image: image1.jpeg]
> We stopped at a giant pavilion, strung with outdoor lights, and 
> rabblerousing ensued. People laughed and visited, music played, fireflies 
> flickered overhead. At nearly 10 pm, in the pitch black of night, they 
> mounted their bikes, got back on the trail and planned to end at a bar.
> [image: image2.jpeg]
> The woods felt like they were closing in on us. Like that scene in The 
> Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It was THRILLING, and I smiled to myself in the 
> dark. Suddenly there was yelling at the front and SLOWING….I couldn’t make 
> out the word at first. SKUNK!!! An actual skunk was running along the path. 
> We dared not pass him for fear of smelling more like skunk than the weed 
> smoke had already done to us. 
> I skipped the bar; J rode me to my truck and helped me load my Platypus. 
> The Platypus was perfect for this; chunky tires and compact size, front and 
> rear dyno lights, resplendent in color and quite the conversation starter. 
> [image: image4.jpeg]   
> I got home at midnight; my teenagers were waiting up for me. If they had 
> walked in the door smelling like I did, I’d have grounded them on the spot.
> 10/10 would do again.
> Note: I was stone-cold sober, putting TWO electrolyte tabs in my water was 
> as wild as I got. Lest you think poorly of me. 😊
> On Aug 1, 2024, at 6:18 PM, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> 
> wrote:
> People here are always posting about their “ride reports.” Something 
> enchanting in some far away place with photos that pose the bike JUST SO…
> But yesterday I went wilding and I’m going to give you a DIFFERENT kind of 
> Ride Report. 
> In the next post, though, because you know how I do it…
> -- 
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