Yes, I was the original owner.  I bought the frame set directly from Riv, 
and for a while had both that Rosco Road and Rosco "Trusty MUSTy", a 
Mountain Utility Step Through.  I miss having a Lift a Tube bike, but I do 
less BART commuting than I used to, so...

I run several copies of the modest EYC in my stable and I think it's a 
great lamp for very cheap.  

BL in EC

On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 7:11:37 PM UTC-7 Jonathon Medgyesy wrote:

> Hey Bill! Cool to know it passed through your hands as well. Were you the 
> original owner? Your movie idea is a great one.
> I appreciate the dynamo hub rec. but I was looking for lights. I already 
> have a Shimano dynamo hub, just no light. New to the whole dynamo game but 
> am familiar with the more expensive lights like the Edelux. 
> Best,
> John M.
> On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 7:06:35 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> "any recommendations on a budget dynamo (around $120) light for mixed 
>> terrain riding?"
>> That bike was mine originally and I sold it to Chris.  Glad to hear it 
>> reaching its next chapter.  There was a movie about Traveling Pants.  We 
>> could do one about a bike improving many people's lives.  
>> One way to find discounts on a dynamo hub is to find QR disc brake hubs. 
>>  QR disc brake bikes are not popular so the demand for those dynamo hubs is 
>> poor.  A quick google shows the Shutter Precision variant is going for $109 
>> at a couple retailers, and that's a good hub.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 5:05:39 PM UTC-7 Jonathon Medgyesy wrote:
>>> First off: thank you to Chris Miller Rosales, the fellow member of this 
>>> group that not only sold this bicycle to me but also answered every one of 
>>> my many questions, was transparent, packed the bike carefully, and was 
>>> wonderfully easy to work with. Highly recommend him as a seller.
>>> Secondly: This is my first Riv. After clamoring for years to even ride 
>>> one, much less own one, the time has finally come. I don't want to sound 
>>> too melodramatic, but it was well worth the wait. Since I only just 
>>> received it today, I got it built up as minimally as possible just so I 
>>> could throw a leg over it and ride it around my cul-de-sac and wow. What is 
>>> so striking is the *immediate* comfort and uprightness. I understand 
>>> I'm not saying anything new to seasoned Riv riders, but it genuinely struck 
>>> me as soon as jumped on it. Hell, even after reading the same "Rivs are so 
>>> comfy!" review/characterization for years, I became desensitized to the 
>>> actuality of what that meant. I thought I had achieved true comfort on 
>>> other bikes. The closest build that I can compare it to was my Bosco'd MB-3 
>>> (see attached). But the Rosco just feels entirely new while also having a 
>>> developed, seasoned comfort built into it. O, the wonders of geometry!
>>> Thirdly and lastly: Does anyone have any recommendations on a budget 
>>> dynamo (around $120) light for mixed terrain riding?
>>> Best to all,
>>> John M.
>>> Tucson, AZ (but not for much longer)

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