Do they usually have most models for test-riding there?

Riv Headquarters is several bays in an industrial park, big roll-up garage 
space.  One of the bays is the "showroom".  There are usually about 20-25 
built up demo bikes there.  Those demo bikes usually represent what is 
available right now and sometimes what is going to be available very soon. 
 Since the Leo Roadini is sold out in 54 and 57, I suspect they will not 
have a 54cm or a 57cm demo Leo Roadini there for you to test ride.  Call 
them, and discuss what you are thinking about and they'll help you 
formulate a strategy.  Maybe they have a 57 Hillborne and can talk to you 
about the subtle differences between a Hillborne and a Roadini.  At least 
one of the employees runs a Roadini, and they are usually generous with 
letting customers ride their bikes.  
Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA
On Monday, July 1, 2024 at 8:42:35 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> I've been riding a large Raleigh Cadent 1 which is a hybrid I bought in 
> 2021. I attached a sizing chart!
> [image: Sizing]
> Honestly, I started looking at flights to San Francisco and am leaning 
> towards taking a week vacation before the school year starts back up to go 
> try out some Rivendells. Do they usually have most models for test-riding 
> there? Excited to go out there and see what it's like! Also thanks for the 
> advice and stories Glenn and Jim. 
> On Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 5:15:05 PM UTC-4 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> What kind of bikes have you been riding previously? 
>> The reason I ask is that at 86CM PBH, you are probably "between" the 54 
>> and 57. 
>> If you walked into most shops, they would probably to put you on the 
>> smaller bike for all the reasons we fear most shops.
>> If you showed up in Walnut Creek and anyone at the RBWHQ&L got chatting 
>> with you, they'd likely encourage you to try the larger size. 
>> Also, if you are going for upright bars, that might change the equation a 
>> bit. 
>> If you are 5'11" with a true 86CM PBH, then you probably are a little 
>> longer in the upper body 
>> You might call them in Walnut Creek and be honest about your budget 
>> restrictions and the fact you might not be buying it right away. They fit 
>> folks well. 
>> J
>> On Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 2:04:48 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> I should’ve stated in the original post, my bad. I’m thinking that a 54 
>>> cm Roadini would be a good fit since I’m 5’11 and have a PBH of 86 cm. 
>>> Please let me know if I’m wrong though!
>>> On Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 8:32:27 AM UTC-4 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Regarding the test rides: you should state your desired frame size 
>>>> and/or your PBH. 
>>>> On Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 3:25:21 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>>>> Finding a local Rivendell owner is a good idea, and you should 
>>>>> definitely try to pursue that.  In 2024 it can be tricky to execute a 
>>>>> Rivendell Acquisition Plan a year in advance.  If it's a year down the 
>>>>> road 
>>>>> because you are saving up the money then my advice is to plan on being 
>>>>> patient twice.  Be patient now while you are saving up the money and 
>>>>> trying 
>>>>> to arrange your informal test ride stuff.  The second round of being 
>>>>> patient will hinge on what is actually available for you to buy in the 
>>>>> summer of 2025.  If you have your heart set on one particular thing, and 
>>>>> that thing isn't available, then you'll have to react to that situation.  
>>>>> Big picture, if it's possible, I think it's a good idea in 2024 to be 
>>>>> ready to react when the perfect bike presents itself to you. If a bike 
>>>>> you 
>>>>> want to own is available, buy it, because it may not be available to you 
>>>>> later.  That's easier said than done, particularly if your tastes are 
>>>>> fluid.  
>>>>> Bill Lindsay
>>>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>>>> On Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 9:36:53 AM UTC-7 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, I'm interested in getting a Rivendell in a year or so, but I 
>>>>>> wanted to try some out in the meantime. Does anyone know of any places 
>>>>>> that 
>>>>>> have readily available rivs (preferably Roadinis)? Where did you guys 
>>>>>> try 
>>>>>> them out before purchasing? 
>>>>>> I'm from Florida and the riv dealer near me doesn't have any complete 
>>>>>> bikes. If anyone is in the Tampa or Miami area and is generous enough to 
>>>>>> let me have a test-ride, that would be great! Thanks in advance!

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