Bill Lindsay, are you basing the geo numbers on the Homer? Interesting that Riv are planning a pre sale in three days without any published photos of actual production frames/bikes/colors or geometry.
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On Jun 24, 2024, at 10:34 AM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

I took the 3x1 inspiration to do a 3x1 Rivendell build on a Romulus.  I rode that bike up Mount Diablo this month and it's becoming a favorite bike in my large stable. Here's a photo of the bike at the summit:

I feel like I'm exactly in between a 54.5 and a 58.  The 58 has the Reach, but very high Stack.  The 54.5 has a more reasonable Stack, but it's short on the Reach.  The build concept would influence the size.  I could run a 54.5 with drops and a long stem.  I could run a 58 with a low stem and low rise flat bars.  

I confess that Will tempted me with the statement "at least one maniac will put a Regina 5-speed freewheel on theirs.  I am a big fan of multi-gear 120mm OLD builds, so now I feel like I've been challenged.  Ha ha.  I'll think on it some more when the product page comes out.  

One of the visual concepts I've got bouncing in my head would be the silver color with absolutely every single thing on the build SILVER.  Light grey grips, tires, saddle.  100% silver components.  Not a single speck of black.  I think grey rubber tires would have tan sidewalls, so that would be the only other color.  That could look really good.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 1:59:43 PM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:
The Roaduno sale begins Thursday June 27th noon Pacific time. Who is planning to buy one? Will you buy a frameset to build up or a complete? Color preference?

I'm curious as to the demand for this bike. It's not JUST a single speed which I think is cool. And, cool is good in my lingo. What do you all think of the stock components?

Let's talk Roaduno!!


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