Planned impulsivity, I like it. That's a very sound plan in my opinion
because you can likely score a TIG Roadini for a good price, and all the
parts would swap over to either a lugged Roadini if you love it, or a CHG
if you think you want something longer.  I know you're not trying to be,
but I think you're being very practical here!

On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 10:44 AM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:

> Valerie, I’m going to take your formula and apply it. I’m looking for the
> used 50 Roadini and if anyone sees one first ,will ya send it my way? And
> then maybe this fall I end up with the lugged and sell the TIG’d. I don’t
> know! It’s an adventure! I plan to be impulsive! Not money-savvy! A real
> handful! 🤩
> Join me,
> Leah
> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 6:50:30 PM UTC-4 Valerie Yates wrote:
>> Brent! So glad you are happy with the Bleriot. That bike is silky smooth. 
>> Entirely
>> comparable to both my Roadeo and Soma San Marcos. Which is why I was able
>> to let it go. I am so glad it is living its best life.
>> Leah -  All of the above. If a used one turns up, buy it. If you love it
>> and want a lugged one, sell the used one. If a used one doesn't turn up,
>> order a lugged one. If a used one turns up while your lugged one is
>> pending, then it depends on price and timing. 😁
>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 4:38:35 PM UTC-6 wrote:
>>> I'm another person whose been showing up to road bike group rides on a
>>> road-style Riv the last year or so and it's been a fun journey! I was lucky
>>> to buy Valerie's old Riv Bleriot on here and I maintain it as the
>>> befendered iteration of my two "fast" bikes- aka bikes with smooth tires
>>> and drop bars. it's nice having a dedicated fender bike for when a surprise
>>> midwest rain storm passes through 2 hours before a ride
>>> anyway I always show up in a t-shirt or hoodie and chaco sandals and my
>>> bars level with the leather saddle. While the RoadieBoys™ seem confused
>>> about socializing with someone whose appearance/bike doesn't meet their
>>> expectations, the women and other folks always say how beautiful the
>>> Bleriot is, how the fenders are so smart in keeping my sandal'd feet clean
>>> while being helpful to whoever might be behind me, and how neat it is that
>>> I'm still fast "enough" to keep pace despite not having the roadie-culture
>>> promoted bike, shoes, or clothing :)
>>> Leah, I wish you the best on your road bike journey! I admire your
>>> commitment to Rivendells (an easy brand to commit to honestly), and hope a
>>> Roadeo comes along either at a good deal or with beautiful lugs to add to
>>> your hella colorful collection
>>> -Brent in chicago
>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 5:25:29 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
>>> wrote:
>>>> This is SO fun.
>>>> Diana, yes please post here as you make your observations/get your
>>>> answers. Valerie, your bikes are so cool. Heck, YOU are so cool. Here you
>>>> were, all this time, and you have so much to offer us here; I truly hope we
>>>> get to hear from you regularly after this. Philip, I agree about the
>>>> Roadini. I think Valerie’s photos were helpful (and yours of the updated
>>>> model, too) and show the CHG to be less club-ridey than I was hoping for.
>>>> That Roadeo looks like just the ticket, though. A Roadini should be a great
>>>> choice. Now, do I wait for the lugged versions or hope for a 50 on the used
>>>> market? So far there have been none to be found…
>>>> L
>>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 3:46:00 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>>>>> Me either!
>>>>> I’m team Roadini for Leah, for sure!
>>>>> All this talk has me jonesing for that very big red Road custom
>>>>> currently on offer at a very reasonable price…
>>>>> P. W.
>>>>> ~
>>>>> (917) 514-2207
>>>>> ~
>>>>> On May 10, 2024, at 12:37 PM, Valerie Yates <> wrote:
>>>>> Philip - Agreed! My observations on this version may be entirely
>>>>> irrelevant to the production version. Although, I will add that nothing in
>>>>> that picture says go-fast club rides to me.
>>>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 1:29:35 PM UTC-6
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Interesting how differently that Gallop looks, and presumably feels,
>>>>>> compared to the larger, presumably production verison of the same bike,
>>>>>> without the swoopy TT, currently at Riv:
>>>>>> [image: IMG_6222]
>>>>>> P. W.
>>>>>> ~
>>>>>> (917) 514-2207
>>>>>> ~
>>>>>> On May 10, 2024, at 12:23 PM, Jason Fuller <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Valerie - gorgeous trio of bikes, thank you for sharing. The three
>>>>>> shown in that order makes it look like the Roadeo morphs into a Hillibike
>>>>>> and the CHG is the intermediate stage, which is both funny and also
>>>>>> indicative of its purpose and ride quality, which I'm sure lands squarely
>>>>>> in between also!
>>>>>> On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 12:15 PM Valerie Yates <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I've made an album with pics of my Roadeo, CHG, and Susie. Link to
>>>>>>> album <>.  The album
>>>>>>> includes a poor quality picture of the Gallop with the albastache bars 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> were on it when it arrived.
>>>>>>> Leah - the drop from Will's saddle to bars was an intentional
>>>>>>> choice. He chose a smaller frame with a raised up saddle to achieve a
>>>>>>> racier position. My bars on the Roadeo are set fairly level with my 
>>>>>>> saddle.
>>>>>>> With drop-bar bikes, I tend to choose the frame with the minimum 
>>>>>>> necessary
>>>>>>> stand-over clearance to ensure I can have level bars without having to
>>>>>>> raise them up high in a way that looks funky to me. I am not a
>>>>>>> weight-weenie but perhaps worth mentioning that the Roadeo as shown with
>>>>>>> bags but minus pump is 25 lbs and 11 ounces. The Gallop, minus lock and
>>>>>>> pump, is 34 pounds. Some of the difference is my dynamo hub, lights, and
>>>>>>> and racks. I'd guess 5-6 pounds is the difference without those
>>>>>>> accessories.
>>>>>>> Here is a collage for anyone who doesn't want to follow the link. I
>>>>>>> measured from front to rear drop-out and both the Roadeo and Gallop are
>>>>>>> 175. Looking at where the vertical segment of the garage door intersects
>>>>>>> the frame is pretty interesting.  I don't really understand how all the
>>>>>>> extra space in the Gallop frame is achieved. Riv magic.
>>>>>> <Bike Collage.jpg>
>>>>>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 8:15:30 AM UTC-6
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Chiming in to say that this particular conversation comes at a
>>>>>>>> great time for me! I was planning to buy the Roadini, but this whole 
>>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>>> is causing me to second guess. Leah, I'm planning to go to Riv in June
>>>>>>>> sometime and ask them all the questions about Roadini vs CHG. I'll make
>>>>>>>> sure to post what I learn. Until then, fun to speculate and read others
>>>>>>>> thoughts.
>>>>>>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 6:54:37 AM UTC-6
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Valerie, I am also looking forward to your photos. I love show and
>>>>>>>>> tell!  Thank you for your posts which I have started looking forward 
>>>>>>>>> to.
>>>>>>>>> Sarah
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 5:32:29 AM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I think the big thing is that the gallop was designed for
>>>>>>>>>> sweptback bars and the roadini was not. In the world of Rivendell I 
>>>>>>>>>> am not
>>>>>>>>>> sure what that equates to because most of their bikes can go either 
>>>>>>>>>> way and
>>>>>>>>>> Grant has said that is true here too if you use a short stem. That
>>>>>>>>>> statement tells me that the effective top tube on the gallop will be 
>>>>>>>>>> longer
>>>>>>>>>> and most likely the wheelbase will be as well. If I can figure out 
>>>>>>>>>> how to
>>>>>>>>>> measure those things well I can give it a shot on my prototype and 
>>>>>>>>>> assuming
>>>>>>>>>> the end geometry is pretty similar to the production model we would 
>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>> some info. Points for the gallop would be 1. Just different enough 
>>>>>>>>>> to get
>>>>>>>>>> you a go fast bike that still turns some heads 2. Geometry providing 
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> better fit for an alternative cockpit if you don't like the drops.
>>>>>>>>>> Downside to the gallop is that the lower top tube allows a larger
>>>>>>>>>> size to fit better. I think its a good guess that Rivendell would 
>>>>>>>>>> steer
>>>>>>>>>> people that way and you likely would be very comfy on a size similar 
>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>> larger Platy but I think doing that might make drops a bit harder to 
>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> comfortable on. It would likely need a very very short stem. I guess 
>>>>>>>>>> thats
>>>>>>>>>> not a downside it just makes the sizing discussion a little more 
>>>>>>>>>> open on
>>>>>>>>>> the gallop than the Roadini. But wiht the new 50cm platy you will be 
>>>>>>>>>> packed
>>>>>>>>>> with all sorts of sizing and comfort information to rely on.
>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise weight and tubing specs are probably pretty similar
>>>>>>>>>> between the two
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 8:03:31 AM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding
>>>>>>>>>> Ding! wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Woah, that’s a pretty steep drop from Will’s saddle to bars for
>>>>>>>>>>> me! But it’s pretty.
>>>>>>>>>>> I look forward to your photos, Valerie, and how I wish I lived
>>>>>>>>>>> in your neighborhood so I could bring my saddle and try your bikes.
>>>>>>>>>>> When it all boils down, it’s this:
>>>>>>>>>>> I’m looking to see what it’s like to ride a stripped-down
>>>>>>>>>>> roadish Rivendell and see how that affects my performance on group 
>>>>>>>>>>> rides.
>>>>>>>>>>> Rivendell offers 2 (not counting the hard-to-obtain Roadeo) road 
>>>>>>>>>>> bikes in
>>>>>>>>>>> their lineup and I’m trying to differentiate between them and see 
>>>>>>>>>>> which one
>>>>>>>>>>> is better for me. I hope they can make that clear in their product
>>>>>>>>>>> description when the time comes for them to launch the CHG. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, we
>>>>>>>>>>> get to chat and speculate and evaluate here and it is loads of fun!
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, thank you again to everyone for sharing your wisdom with
>>>>>>>>>>> me. Keep it coming!
>>>>>>>>>>> L
>>>>>>>>>>> On May 9, 2024, at 9:46 PM, P W <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> You know, as soon as I hit send, I thought: “It’s a Riv, I bet
>>>>>>>>>>> the tire clearance is actually massive!”
>>>>>>>>>>> 😂
>>>>>>>>>>> For how a go-fast Riv roadie could and should look, what better
>>>>>>>>>>> source of inspiration than Will’s:
>>>>>>>>>>> <image0.jpeg>
>>>>>>>>>>> See also:
>>>>>>>>>>> <441164476_1599207264208847_1445036392027071003_n.jpg>
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Calling in Sick Magazine on Instagram: "#bikecheck #willkeating
>>>>>>>>>>> @rivbike"
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Watch and share reels with friends
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> P. W.
>>>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>>>> (917) 514-2207
>>>>>>>>>>> ~
>>>>>>>>>>> On May 9, 2024, at 6:06 PM, Valerie Yates <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Also Philip - I have 700x50 tires on my Gallop, so it is not
>>>>>>>>>>> just for skinny tires. But all the rest fits with my impression.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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