Hi Joe! I am as surprised as everyone  and also impressed how you are 
constantly assessing what works for you and where you want to be. I would 
love to see more pics, including the current drivetrain, the handlebar stem 
area, and the seatpost with height measurement without a bag on it. I love 
the idea of a fatter tired road-oriented drop tube bike. Is the tubing like 
Roadini or more like Sam (more stout)? Is the length like Roadini or is it 
one of the longer models? From the pic, it looks possibly similar in shape 
to the new Gallop but the tubing and length look more traditional (apart 
from, the snazzy drop tube and high-viz handlebars). What does it feel like 
to ride compared to your other Rivs? At my lower weight than yours, I 
wonder if this would be a good gravel/climbing bike (slot currently filled 
by a 53 Atlantis, old style). 

On Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:02:44 AM UTC-6 Doug H. wrote:

> If the Clem satisfies your needs I understand why you'd sell the custom. 
> Life throws curve balls at times and forces us to make hard decisions. So, 
> no second guessing here from me. Just be careful riding a motorcycle! I 
> love two wheels but not at 60+ mph. :)
> Doug
> On Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:56:53 AM UTC-4 Mathias Steiner wrote:
>> If you sell it, you'll kick yourself later, I'm sure. And we'll have to 
>> listen to it ;)
>> When you ride it, it's a custom.
>> To anyone else, it's a well-made used bicycle.
>> Save up for the motor bike, and watch for deals. 
>> Unlike a motorcycle, your bicycle doesn't cost anything just sitting 
>> there.
>> cheers -mathias
>> On Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 1:40:28 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>> Bill, 
>>> I'm not convinced the custom will sell at a price I can live with so 
>>> there's every possibility it shall remain with me. Selling the Clem would 
>>> be a possibility but there's not much money in it, I'm not sure it would be 
>>> worth the trouble. Also I just really like the Clem, I love the color and 
>>> its utilitarian non-precious vibe. The truth is if I had known in 2018 what 
>>> my riding preferences and mileage would be at 62-years-old I would heve 
>>> just kept the Clem.L I had then and been happy. Who knew?? 🤷
>>> Joe Bernard 
>>> On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 1:07:53 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>>> What are the chances you'll leave it out there, change your mind and 
>>>> sell the Clem instead?  That's the outcome I'm rooting for.  A Rivendell 
>>>> custom is Grant creating a one-of-a-kind bike just for you.  A Clem is 
>>>> fungible.  
>>>> Bill Lindsay
>>>> El Cerrito, CA

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