Thank you Eric for the feedback, that is a Swift. I have another one on my 
'82 Sequoia. They are my favorite saddle for my drop bar bikes replacing 
the Selle Anatomica X. The pics were taken with my Velo Orange Camp Snap 
camera (grainy quality is a feature, I suppose).

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 4:06:49 PM UTC-4 Eric Marth wrote:

> JohnS: Thanks for the pics, nice looking Bolt there, love all the brown. 
> How's the Swift? Or is that a Swallow? I need a brown saddle for my 
> Hillborne and like the fit of the black Brooks Pro I have. Love the shop 
> and the grainy photos! That's the stuuuuuff. Thanks for sharing. 
> George: Well that's a beautiful level you have there, are you sure you 
> want to go through the trouble of sending it my way? Have you checked it 
> for accuracy? Sometimes those old spirit levels can have problems with the 
> vials and bubbles. I have a full set of Stabila levels so I am equipped 
> though that old Stanley sure is handsome... 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:50:22 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>> Eric - since you have a fascination with old tools that kind of have 
>> class or character, would you be interested in this very old *wooden* 
>> carpenter's 
>> level?  I believe that it belonged to my great uncle who was a physician, 
>> not a tradesman, but someone who used to like working with wood and doing a 
>> lot of things by himself as an amateur handyman.  On the metal parts it 
>> says "Stanley rule and level."  There are no inch markings anyplace, but 
>> the dimensions are suspiciously identical to what a carpenter would use for 
>> measuring typical construction widths and lengths: it's 2 ft. long x 3.125" 
>> wide x 1.325" thick.  It can be yours for the asking if you're interested.  
>> I'm trying to get rid of as much of my stash of stuff as possible as I head 
>> into the mid-70's.
>> [image: DSCN1050.JPG]
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:47:48 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> JohnS: I clicked the link and got a 404. Would love to see the Bolt, 
>>> those are really sweet bikes. 
>>> Steve: Thanks, bud! Rob Gassie removed the bottom bracket, he's the 
>>> frame builder who stripped and painted the bike for me. He said he put the 
>>> frame in his alignment table (really big fixture, lots of clamps, allowed 
>>> for maximum torque) and was able to bust it loose. I don't know the origins 
>>> of my Sam but there were many details about the build that leave me 
>>> thinking it was not originally assembled very carefully. 
>>> Roberta: Thank you for watching! Garden's looking even better now, just 
>>> a few weeks later. Though I noticed yesterday a groundhog ate one of my 
>>> coleus plants. 
>>> George: Thank you thank you. The glasses are a P3 shape but I didn't 
>>> think the lenses were particularly thick? I think of pop bottle glasses as 
>>> having the effect of looking through the bottom of an old glass Coca-Cola 
>>> bottle... I still wear glasses, wearing them right now. My hair's naturally 
>>> pretty dark but I haven't had a haircut since Nov 2022 and I spend a lot of 
>>> time in the sun so it's lighter from exposure.  
>>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 8:05:51 PM UTC-4 george schick wrote:
>>>> Eric - an excellent filming of your workshop and exterior plantings.  
>>>> What a nice place to live and do your work.  I was reminded, though, of a 
>>>> similar but not quite as professional episode as this one from several 
>>>> years ago where you were doing a rebuild of a mixte that your "partner's" 
>>>> parents gave her - some Japanese manufacturer, I think.  I recognized that 
>>>> the scenes of your shop are the same as your current video, but it's a 
>>>> "different Eric Marth!"  Pop bottle glasses, dark hair, etc.  What 
>>>> happened?
>>>> On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 10:00:47 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>>>>> Thanks everyone for watchin'! 
>>>>> Marty: The Match Game was before my time but I certainly came up with 
>>>>> Bob Barker. The $20 corded mic I bought just didn't seem right clipped to 
>>>>> my shirt so I went for the long mic. 
>>>>> Patrick: I appreciate the kind notes. Sorry about the SW gardening 
>>>>> woes, I know nothing of gardening in that clime. I've had my own troubles 
>>>>> here! I was in a different house about 10 years ago and the garden was a 
>>>>> lot of work but it was abundant and without many difficulties. The soil 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> sun are different in this spot and growing has taken a lot of trial and 
>>>>> error. I'm finally getting the hang of things. A groundhog just showed up 
>>>>> on the scene, I saw them (unsure if it's a male or female) heartily 
>>>>> eating 
>>>>> some lettuce while sitting in the raised bed earlier this week! It's 
>>>>> fenced 
>>>>> off but they found a way in. I have to admit it was kind of cute, holding 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> huge piece of lettuce, but it still left me cursing. I'm glad you like 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> tools!
>>>>> On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 3:12:05 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>>>> Oh, and I forwarded the video link to Jeremiah; he will appreciate it.

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